Game Set

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Light burns into my room and the blaring alarm from my phone goes off. I slam my hand onto the snooze button in hopes I can stop the world from moving to get a few more minutes of sleep. This fails as I remember my situation.

I was waiting at a bar for a special event I wasn't allowed to ask questions about. It was some company party that required only one bartender/waiter to run the event. I wouldn't have taken this job if it weren't for two major factors. One being the lingering concern of my debt made by my lousy human of a sister who up and left me to pick up the tab.

My parents had passed away a while back and it's only been me and my sister for the past five years. I thought us two would be able to handle anything else that came my way together, but my sister went the road of drugs and gambling. So now I can only pay back whatever debts she left behind before jumping town.

Now I work back to back shifts waiting during the day and bartending at night. So I have full qualifications for this party. My boss insists I work. He even can't be at said party in his own private bar. So as I glance at the keys to the private billiards bar I was in charge of for the night, I have to assume the pay is high and tips will be just as high. He didn't mention anything about how much the pay will be, but that I won't have to work nights for a while if I take it. And to be honest, any extra chance to get a few extra nights of sleep isn't a bad deal along with getting paid.

I dressed in the uniform assigned to the bar. Dress pants, dress shirt, and the violet vest that matches the theme of the bar, the "Amethyst Dragon." Tying my long hair back (Or left alone if short) and wearing the watch my father left behind. Nothing special, but my only "fancy" accessory I own. A silver watch with a black watch face and gold watch hands. Finishing my preparation with a black tie, I'm ready to make my way out of work.

The private billiards bar I'm heading to isn't my usual bar spot I work at. It's the boss' private location for high paying customers who like to gamble or want to discuss more private matters that shouldn't be leaked out. Usually someone else takes this shift, but he insisted I take this party in particular. Especially since his last bartender was caught swindling customers out of their money in games as he placed weighted pool balls on the table to move the way they wanted with the flick of the wrist. Or more particularly, flick of a remote.

My boss knew I couldn't risk losing one of the few jobs I had and had no skill in the game. Sure I know the rules on how it's played, but the skill itself is a different story. I never wanted to touch a game that involved putting money at risk. So I was obviously the perfect candidate for the night.

I arrive early in the afternoon to evening in order to prep the bar with all its fixings. Prepared to make specialty cocktails on the menu of my own creation for the night. However, this will be an odd night as there won't be too much food to serve other than the standard sandwiches, fruit, and fries my boss left for me to make. There wasn't a kitchen attached to this bar, so all the food had to be prepped in advance or quick to make in a simple air fryer.

The pool tables are prepped with the pool balls centered and cue sticks lined on the wall. I would have to allow the guests in one by one in the door myself as not even a guard is allowed in here by my boss. Assuming that everything had to stay in house for this "company."

My mind began to wander as I can't imagine any business to be this secretive for a simple billiards night. At best, my guess is that they don't want any of their spouses to find out about discussions that occur here tonight as they may bring some "special" guests with them. It makes me a bit sick to think about as it only brought flashbacks to my sister's attempts to pay off her debt early on as the bills came in.

I wouldn't like to find myself in the situation, but if it had come to it...I am not as prepared as others would be honestly. You see...I'm a virgin. Yup, after all these years I haven't done it. Not even once with a previous relationship. It's not like I'm saving it or anything. I just wanted it to be special and with the right person, however it seems every person I've been with hasn't been the one. Especially the last jerk I had of an ex.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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