Chapter 2

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"So it will be 5 days in total you will have to stay in the temple. Thanks to the merciful god, we have a way. No speaking to anyone else, no phones, no friends or family, no distractions. Only prayers to god for 5 days straight. Walk 100 stairs up and down the temple,3 times a day, and serve food to the god. Eat only plain rice and jaggery, for both times of meals. This is the only way you can have your soul pure once again."

"This is too cruel for a small child like me. Can't god forgive me?"

"No. God will punish you by dipping you in a cauldron full of burning oil in hell. WHERE YOU BELONG"


*coming back to reality*

I instantly dropped my momo and my mandible as soon as I heard those words from his beautiful, punch-able mouth. I could feel Sara's jaw dropped as well. I was dead for a moment. I swear if anyone would have checked my pulse, they would have been able to confirm it. what do you mean that I almost ate meat and risked my life? What do you mean that I almost dropped out of my college and got my head shaved and turned into a priestess for the rest of my life? What would you mean? Because my family would have killed me!

"Are you okay?"

Shit! His voice is so deep and his baritone....

This isn't the time!!!

"I mean... Are you sure these are chicken momos?" I asked sheepishly in hopes of a possibility that I did not just touch meat.

"Yeah.. I mean the owner told me they mistakenly gave your friend our order.."

Oh... I really almost died. Good thing I did not. Wait. What does he mean by ours? Did he come with his friends? Or did he come with his girlfriend? Is this girl, standing right behind him, his girlfriend? Possibly yes. I mean look at him. How could he possibly be not be involved with someone? Aishhh.... I missed my chance.

"oh.... It's okay I guess. You can take your order..." I hand him his CHICKEN momos.

"Thanks..." He smiled

HE SMILED FDVDJGHVYGNDNVNCMF!!!! He has that asymmetrical smile that could very likely be mistaken for a smirk but the difference, I am guessing will be his moon shaped eyes when he smiles. Anyone in 50 km radius could feel the sun shining a little brighter as soon as he smiled. The dimples on left side of his face reminded me that god has his favorites. I got my new protagonist for my pre-sleeping-stories-made-by-me.

"Dude are you okay?" Sara asked. Her tone was concerned but her cheeks were flushed which, possibly, couldn't be because of me.

"Yeah. But it was so close.. Whew.."

"I know.. I mean I was previously just ranting like that but I know you be like grounded for the entire life if any of your family's spies informed your family about today."

"Yeah I was scared for the same thing. Hopefully nothing happens."

Yeah. That's how crazy my family is. My family is small. Correction- My immediate family is small. It is just me, my brother, mom and dad. My whole family is big enough that the author cannot possibly start writing about it. Just a gist- each side of family has 5-6 sons/daughter by grandparents and each uncle/aunt has 3-4 children. Half of them are in the family business. From the remaining, half of them are doing nothing, other half are pretending to do something (just like me). I mean why not? My family earns more than enough. Okay.. My family is actually super rich. Rich enough that we are India's 7th richest family. And yes. My family has spies for me. When I first told my friend, they thought I was lying until my mom told me about Parvati's pregnancy before she told me. Parvati was my ex-bestfriend. We were friends since 5th grade. I used to hangout all the time and one time I told my mom I was going to Parvati's for a project but sneaked out to go on a date. Unfortunately, I was so good that whoever was spying on us, thought I went with Parvati to her gynaecologist. Next thing I know, I was made to cut ties with Parvati because my mom never wanted me to be with "bad influence"(rolling my eyes). I wish I could contact her again. I hope my mother didn't go off on her.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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