Week 1, Day 1, After I Screw Up My Audition

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One. Two. Three. Four. Five.

Five fouettés.

Astra Campbell. Sixteen, tall, with coffee with milk skin, dark brown hair pulled into an immaculate bun, pink satin pointe shoes, just landed five fouettés. Perfect in every possible way. And my sister.

October Thirteenth. Clara Barton School of The Arts' Christmas production audition date. For everything. Theatre was auditioning for A Christmas Carol, the orchestra was doing chair tests. And me? Auditions for the Nutcracker.

"Go, Astra!" Olivia, Astra's best friend said, clapping excitedly. "That was amazing."

Astra grinned. "Thanks!" Then she looked at me.

I smiled half-heartedly and clapped. "Go, Astra."

Astra cocked her head at me. I could tell I'd be questioned about that later.

"Hey, what's up?"

Claire Dallas. My best friend. Auburn hair, fair skin, medium height, jazz shoes, 'professional' theater kid.

I sighed, turning to look at her. "How was the audition?"

Claire shrugged. "Same as usual. Hoping for the lead. But I'm an eighth grader up against seniors for the role. So probably not. I just don't want to be an understudy. Hello?" Claire snapped her fingers in front of my face.

I shook my head. "Sorry."

Claire followed my gaze to Astra. I watched her feet as they move. Royalé, Royalé, Changment, Changment, coupé jeté en tournant, all perfect.

"Beautiful!" Mr. Winders, our teacher said, clapping. He smiled. "As usual, Astra."

Astra beamed.

"Alright, you're all dismissed," Mr. Winders said. "Amazing job, everyone! Roles will be on the door before class tomorrow."

Astra ran over, her cheeks red from all the jumping. "Hey. How did I do?"

I grinned at my sister. "Amazing, as always."

Astra beamed. "Thanks! I've got to take off my shoes, then we can leave."

I nodded. I could hear Astra's pointe shoes clicking on the wood floor as her steps retreated. Astra was perfect. The perfect dancer, the perfect student, the perfect daughter, the perfect sister. She was sweet, patient, hard-working, relentless, and everything you could hope to be in one package. And my sister.

"You're amazing, Ella," Claire said, breaking my trance. "You've got to stop comparing yourself to her."

"I know," I said. "I can't help it."

Claire shakes her head. She glanced behind her. "Oh! I forgot- Cliff and Cleo are home from college this weekend. They're here. They're taking me to dinner." Claire's smile is dazzling. Clifford and Cleopatra, Claire's twin older siblings, and their dad's idea of a joke were college freshmen. Claire adored her siblings. Although, that may just be because otherwise, she's stuck with her younger brother Clayton, who's a handful. He's eight and thinks he owns the world.

"Okay, we're good," Astra's melodic voice said from beside me.

I jumped. "Oh, hi."

Astra laughed. "You're so easy to startle." She twirled her keys on her index finger and pulled on the strap of her dance bag.

"So how do you think you did?" Astra asked as we walked to the car.

I shrugged. "Okay, I guess."

"Only okay?" Astra asked, raising an eyebrow.

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