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The crow sin of death and blood, Aki

(has a black blindfold)Sacred Treasure:Sacred Book

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(has a black blindfold)
Sacred Treasure:
Sacred Book

(has a black blindfold)Sacred Treasure:Sacred Book

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Battle outfit:

Final form outfit:

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Final form outfit:

Final form outfit:

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Can get as big as this:

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Can get as big as this:

Can get as big as this:

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(On her right wrist)(On poster is interpreted as a skull)Backstory: we all know crows mean death or is seen around dead people, she is most known for massacring a whole entire village out of anger it's bad yes but she make things right she was put...

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(On her right wrist)
(On poster is interpreted as a skull)
Backstory: we all know crows mean death or is seen around dead people, she is most known for massacring a whole entire village out of anger it's bad yes but she make things right she was put in the seven deadly sins. Her captain decided it was best to be called The Seven Deadly Sins because it sounded cooler {note to my sarcasm.}when the team split up out of safety, she stayed with the captain and 10 years later met Elizabeth and her. adventure, as a seven deadly sin continued.
Extra information:
Magic: (20,000 in first form) (Final form 200,000)
Strength: (1,000 in first form) (Final form10,000)
Spirit: (791 in first form) (Final form1,000)
B-day: 11/27
Love interest: zeldris
(When she's mad, her power levels go off the charts and cannot be seen)
(Got the scar in her nose, escaping when the team disbanded)
(People new to seven deadly sins just expect seven in the group don't know it's eight and usually think she's just a friend helping them)
(A cool power she has is she can use big attacks and not waste lots of stamina and power)
(The way she does, it is basically she takes away the backlash of such a big power move, and someone else is big power move backlash put it into the power that she threw, or she used, and it makes it even bigger Because the backlash of those powers it's so big, is gonna be powerful.)
(Has anger issues and is warned not to mess with her and make her mad because that's how the massacre of that village happened)
(She's like, ban and can't die)
(When angry can go into a state of bloodlust where she can't do anything other than want to kill)
(She's mostly quiet, most hanging around her friends, protective, serious and strong, but goof off sometimes)
(You mostly see her around meliodas and Diane meliodas because she's basically like second in command of the seven deadly sins you know and Diane because there best friends ban would be third to be around then king then gowther escanor would probably be above gowther maybe not she kind of switches between them two the most if those two are the only two she can talk to at the moment)
(Has a very OP power level just because of who are ancestors are and just naturally she has a very strong power and people believe it's coming from her anger issues)
(Kept her secret item, locked away in a capsule in a safe place)

)(Has anger issues and is warned not to mess with her and make her mad because that's how the massacre of that village happened)(She's like, ban and can't die)(When angry can go into a state of bloodlust where she can't do anything other than want...

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(She wears 126 when she's not in her battle uniform)

{The only picture I own is the one of the very top that shows what Aki looks like}

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