Chapter one

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"Hey Layla!" Mia says while walking over to me, "Hey Mia!" I say and smile "What are you doing?" She asks "I was gonna go to the park." I say "Oh, can I come?" Mia asks "Sure!" I say "Okay!" Mia smiles. We head to the park and we talk about our music taste, we like a lot of the same music surprisingly. Mia's really pretty, her smile is the prettiest thing about her, or maybe her hair, or her eyes, no, it's definitely her face. She's just so pretty. I can't stop at her. I smile at her while she talks about something, I'm not really paying attention, just staring at her. She's so god damn pretty. "Layla?" Mia says "Huh?" I say "I asked if you wanted to go get something to eat?" Mia said "Oh, sure!" I say "Ok, let's go!" Mia says

-At a cafe-

We ordered some coffee and two croissants. We dat at a table by a window and Mia asks me a question, "Are you interested in anyone at the moment?" I look at her confused "What do you mean?" I ask "Nevermind." She said "Uh, okay?" I say and finish my food and coffee quickly. "Do you wanna go watch a movie when you're done?" I ask Mia, "Sure." Mia finishes her coffee then quickly eats her croissant, "Okay, let's go!" She says and gets up. "Okay." I say then follow her out the door.

-At the movie theater-

When we get to the movie theater Mia gets tickets to the second Avatar movie, I smile "You like Avatar?" I ask her "Yeah! I've been waiting for a second movie for what seems like forever!" She says and I laugh a little. We walk to the showing room, "I'm so excited!" Mia says "I can tell." I say while smiling. The movie starts and Mia doesn't take her eyes off the movie screen. I look at her and smile, she's so beautiful.

-After the movie-

"That was so great!" Mia exclaims "You were so invested." I say "It was a good movie!" Mia looks at me and smiles. I love her smile so much. It's so cute. She's cute in general.

Lia! (Oc Ship, Mia X Layla)Where stories live. Discover now