Chapter 9

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I got up out of the medical bed and slowly opened the door. The creaking door made way to a nurse looking my way. "Crap." She proceeded to walk to my room. I quickly hid behind the door . But as she opened the door it hit my back making a way for a stop. Great. Escape plan gone. She walked around the door and saw me behind the door, looking really embarrassed. "Excuse me miss what are you doing back here?" she asked. I tried to think of a good lie, but there was no way out of this. I sighed in utter failure "I can't sleep and I just can't stand not watching tv or anything" she then takes my hand and takes me to my medical bed "stay here" she walks out the door. At first I thought is she not in a good mood or something until she comes back with a little radio in her hands. She plugs in the radio and says "music helps me sleep I'm sure it will for you to" she smiles and switches to a radio station. And she then walks out the door before saying "just call if you need us but for now get some rest" and then closes the large door. "Well that was nice of her". The radio started to play since the comershals were over "welcome back all you lovers you know what time it is it's time for the "love line" send in your letter about your lover and we will send you a beautiful gift" the show was weird I really didn't wanna listen to others wanna be crushes on boys who were super hot. The thought of a fangirl squirming and squealing always sounding like nails on a chalkboard. I push the button to change the station but it's no use its the SAME SHOW ON EVERY STATION!!.
I sighed in disappointment knowing I can't watch tv or radio now. I turned off the radio "great now what?" I wanted to call molly or my mom or someone but my phone was at home. "I must have forgotten to take it with me when I was chasing mom" at this point I thought great I gotta listen to this crap
I mean it's hard for me to sleep so I proceeded to turn on the radio hearing someone I would never in my whole LiFE imagine would be a guest on the show Mrs.Harona

-------please read regarding story
Hey thx u all 4 knowing to keep with the series even if it takes a while to make also regarding honos injury I'm not sure whether to make hono stay in the hospital or not but u all decide in the comments should hono stay or not in the hospital. Anyway thxs 4 all ur support

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