Chapter 11

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Out of thin air a pendent appeared.
Me: "ok now I know I'm dreaming I must have it my head really hard or something"
Luna: "ugh I told Serena the same thing Hono this is no dream you are.....the sailor scout of the sun"
The pendent was circular with a heating sun on it you know like one of those Suns you would see that kids make a drawling of but is stead of lines coming out of the sun they were waves. The sun had a circle in the middle of it with four little Jewels on each side. I won't lie it's beautiful but in reality this may just have really been a medicine bottle or something else in the room. I stepped back trying to figure out if all of this was real or not.
Luna: "Hono are you alright?"
I looked at Luna with my eyes wide open I was scared.
Me: "th..this.this can't be cats can't talk and I'm no sailor scout"
Luna: "sigh you still won't believe me well I'll prove it" I looked at her in an expression that looked like it was saying "ha your crazy"
Luna: "put the pendent on and shout sun prism power!"
Me: "umm well ok I guess" I picked up the pendent and placed in the center of the ribbon on my school uniform. I then put my fist into the air and shouted
Me: "sun prism power!!"
And out of nowhere it felt as if I blacked out and when I woke up I see my body in a whole different outfit. The outfit was a sailor out fit with a yellow bow in the front. A yellow skirt and a cream colored (well the other color part of the sailor part I don't know how you say it but whatever) I also had on a tiara with a sun on it and cream colored boots and gloves
Me: "ahh what the what's going on"
I was scared I thought I was going to be kidnapped or something I was scared
Luna: "hono your just going to have to trust me now come on we are going to the radio station we will meet Serena there"
I thought to myself have there been other girls tricked and if so I gotta save them because I can't believe any of this. It's obviously a trick it's gotta be.......can it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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