Women that fell to earth

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You had just witnessed the Doctor as he began to Regenerate. The engines of the TARDIS is are stuttering, which had you concerned. But looking back to The Doctor, no longing standing in the very spot an angry eyebrowed Scotsman stood, was now a much shorter, blonde woman. The previous Doctor's clothing hung loosely on her frame as you stood nearby River's ring hed tightly in your fingers. As the Doctor looks around the Tardis, her eyes landing on you a moment as you dared not to move. The new Doctor leaned forward to look at their new reflection in the scanner.

"Oh, Brilliant." She spoke with a smile, the words came out in a musical lull of Northern England, as you were taken aback, and nearly gasped at the beautiful tone.

But the Beauty didn't last long as The Doctor pressed a button on the panel that caused a small explosion, That cause a chair reaction of events, as the TARDIS gave a weeze of disapproval and tilted causing both you and the Doctor to hit the floor roughly.

For a moment you were seeking starts as your head hit the floor. As you began to slide you grabbed the circles on the floor with one hand as you Strored River's ring in your pocket quickly, as the Gravity of the Tilting TARDIS began to pull you more. You watch as the Doctor slides past you; The Doors of the TARDIS fall open, but manages to hold on.

"Doctor!" You yell as you look back as books and papers are falling past you. The TARDIS is now completely on it's side as you tried to hang on, but your fingers had become slippery with sweat.

You tried your hardest as you look over in time to see the TIme Rotor exploding which shakes you loose, and knocks the part of the console off, sending both you and the Doctor falling too the ground below, you weren't sure what planet it was, you just knew there was a planet.. You really had no time to stop and ask were you were. With the final fleeting glances of the TARDIS as it Dematerialized there was mass explosions on the inside as you wanted to cry that was your home.

Looking over at The Doctor who was the most scared as you've ever seen him.. Her as you reached out to Grab for the Doctor as ground grew closer, and closer. Your only thought was.. This was going to hurt.

"Doctor. I'm Sorry." You yelled over the rush of air as it passed by.

That was the last thing you remembered before you both smashed into an object. You were left in the darkness.. Every time it's alway the same, You are standing in a black abyss you can never move, or speak, there's only silence until a ray of light slowly washes over you and you are returned to your body. Sometimes it feels like a lifetime, sometimes a quick second.

You slowly open your eyes as you hear a woman talking. It was too fizzy to comprehend just yet. You sit up slowly as you look up at the giant hole in the roof of the Carriage. You rub the back of your head as you sit up you were lying awkwardly across the seats. Your shoulder still hurt and was a but bruised through the hole in the fabric, but it would heal quickly. You stand up right as you are struck by an electrical discharge from the snake looking alien as it takes off out of the hole in the roof you and the Doctor had come through.

"You three, Relax, but stay put." You hear the Doctor speak as you look over here suddenly remembering you both had fallen through a roof. She didn't stop long as she looked over at you before continuing her dialog. "I'll check the rest of the train." She turns and begins making her way up the train, to which you move forward and follow her. "Fat lot of use you two were." She spoke as she passed a female police officer and a man.

"Hey!" The officer exclaimed, sounding offended, before her and the other began to follow you both up the train. "Hold on there Please, Madam. I need you both to do as I say." You nearly walk into the Doctor as she stops and turns. "This could be a potential crime scene." The officer finished

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2022 ⏰

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