Pre-Planning the Pre-Plans

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Did you know we had birthdays? It's a day, celebrating the day 'we came into the world!'
I wonder what my birthday was, I don't remember the day or the month. I figured those would be the most important, as the year wouldn't really matter as much.
Scribbles birthday is coming soon. I can't wait to surprise her. I need to find out what she likes without being suspicious. I also need to find out how she knew her birthday. Maybe I can find out mine aswell.
I think I'll have to head to a shop, maybe Oxman's shop. They always have all sorts of stuff there.
Maybe Scribble would appreciate a pet, like the pets in Oxman's shop.
Or a plant, I know she's not me but I feel like anyone would appreciate some nice flowers or crops.
"Leo, if you could get anything for your birthday what would you get?" I asked. I didn't expect a quick answer for those types of questions. Having the options of anything in the world, you've got to think about it.
I think I personally would want a book, a book that recording all of your life. So, even if I forgot, I'd know who I was before.
Leo thought for a moment, "New glasses, I'd like that a lot actually."
"Oh, seems interesting, I'm happy you've got that figured out." I told him, wondering if maybe Scribble would appreciate new glasses. I don't think she would, or maybe she would appreciate something more with the community.
I'll have to see if Oxman knows, Oxman knows alot. Shopping for people is difficult, but I'll manage.
"Are you sure they won't find out? We can't hide ourself if you're going to act like that."
"Oh, I'm sure it'll be fine, a bite a day won't hurt, right? You're not hurting them, we'll live, and we'll live better."

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