Experiment #2569

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I kept seeing Odeth continue to go into his 'secret room' even after Gold was gone, she could have gone back, which was entirely possible. Though, highly unlikely, as Gold didn't look like she ever wanted to come back. 

I wanted to see what was in there, as there wouldn't be any harm right? I don't recall him saying we couldn't go in there. Or.. Maybe I did and don't remember, but that would mean I wouldn't have recalled him saying anything. Therefore, if I do get caught, I have an excuse. 

I made my way down to the cellar, past Leo's drink making section. I don't think he's legally allowed to keep that, he's younger than me and we're both underage. Even if he's just selling it. On the other note, back to the suspense at hand, the 'secret room.' 

I unlocked the door, the only thing keeping Leo out of the deeper cellar and Odeths locked room. I pushed open the door and knocked on the iron door of his 'secret room.'


Nothing, no sounds either, that could be a good or bad thing in two ways. On the other hand, the door didn't seem hard to open. I moved past the iron door, then placing my foot between the wall and the door. I always did that for small, unknown rooms I'm not supposed to be in.          You never know if the door might just lock on you.

I looked around, I saw this humanoid creature. It looked like.. A robot? Why would Odeth be making a robot? I know Leo was doing the same, maybe I should ask Leo. That could give me an idea on why Odeth is making one. Odeth is a mystery, I don't know all that much about him, but I know he's been better. He's been much nicer too. I think he's deciding to use his powers for good, something Animal had the same chance to do the same.

It was a matter of when.









I wonder what the robot is capable of, when I took a closer look I had saw a tag on it. 

'Experiment #2569'

2569?! I'm not an expert on numbers but if I knew how numbering experiments worked than that would mean that was the 2569th robot that Odeth made. That is.. A lot of bots. A lot of scraps and remakes, redesigns even. 

Now that I think of it, this thing might not even be a full robot. Hundreds of versions by a powerful person 'ought to have had something non-machine about it. Another thing, it has the name 'Experiment.' Which I figured wouldn't be the name for robot. 

I just hope if it ever activates it won't start destroying things, or hurting my friends.

I don't think Odeth would betray us like that. Unless he's extremely good at deceiving. 

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