Trial 1

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Dreams say a lot about a person and what they're going through. There are also many different theories on what dreams mean.

Some view it as a religious sign from whatever kind of god they may worship. Others think of it as messages from loved ones who have passed. Spiritual messages from guides, a way for your mind to regulate your emotions after a long day, or memories from another life.

Y/N L/N believes it is a mixture of things. Some people live through such traumatic experiences that their brain tries everything in its power to alter those memories into something else. Or, maybe, you're so haunted by that traumatic experience, you constantly relive it in your sleep. It's always on your mind. Kicking in the cage you've built and managing to escape when your mind is at its most vulnerable state.

Y/N has an open door to anyones mind. They can enter and alter dreams however they like.

So when they noticed the Katsuki Bakugo applied for their program, they couldn't believe it. One of the strongest, toughest, explosive kids in U.A?

Everyone says he's closed off and stubborn. Loud, a bit of a pain in the ass, aggressive. They were taken aback. Someone like him, well-

What could possibly be scaring Katsuki Bakugo?


"I signed up for one of your useless programs," I say, putting the packet on Aizawa's desk. If he wasn't my teacher, I'd probably toss it into his chest, give him the finger and storm out. Unfortuantly, he was my teacher. "I circled it in red."

Aizawa gives me a look, surprised by how quickly I'd managed to sign up for something. He flips through the packet and sees that sure enough, Fear Simulator is circled in bright red. His eyebrows rose.

"Did you go through the website?" Aizawa questions.

"Of course I did," I retort. "I saw what you wrote too." Aizawa sighs. My brows scrunch together.

I wonder what he was afraid of

"This is a good program." Aizawa tucks his hands into his pockets. "It's efficient, but difficult to get into."

"I got in already," I state. Aizawa tilts his head, curious. "I got accepted pretty quick. I don't know why everyone says it's so hard to get into."

"Well, L/N isn't going to accept people with arachnophobia," Aizawa mutters. "You must've had a pretty interesting fear."

"Tch." I look away. I can't stand being here any longer. I can't stand knowing Aizawa is so aware of the fact that I'm afraid of something. "Whatever, you can stop bugging me about it. I'm leaving."

I leave the classroom. As I walk down the halls, my eyes are drawn to the floor.

This better fucking work. 


Trial 1: What Is Your Fear? 


The room was cold. It was actually freezing. It made me nervous. No heat, no sweat. No sweat, no quirk. I tucked my hands into my pockets, attempting to warm them up. The last thing I needed was not having the security of my explosions. 

The first trial was held in a white, doctor like room. It was near the nurses office. Inside was a chair similar to those in a dentist, a taller, regular office chair behind it, and a desk with a computer. The wall in which the computer was had a few photos of a young student posing with other students, my age. L/N Y/N, the student who was running the Fear Simulator.  They looked nice in these photos. A nice smile, E/C eyes, H/C hair. A little thing he noticed, however, was the lack of life in their eyes. For example, there were dark shadows under their lashes. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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