Chapter:: 40

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Kiarra POV

So like, ever since Cienna told me about her little life story, I thought "How cool would it be if she had a boyfriend ! ?" Like when the thought came to my head, and I just imagined her all hugged up on a Boy smiling and kissing, I smiled. I never seen Cienna with a boyfriend , so I would love to see her with a boy. 

The last time she told me she liked someone, it was the boy named Jordan. He's really cute, and he has the cutest dimples ! I started talking to him on the down low for her. His name is Jordan, and I found out he lives one block away from me. He's really sweet too, and it turns out, he likes her too.

So today's the main day. Jordan is gonna ask Ci out on a date. I was meeting up with him today in Dunkn Donuts to go threw everything.

I walked in Tristen's room because I knew my mom was in there getting him ready . 

"Hey mom I'm leaving"

"Oh alright, there's a few dollars left on the counter for you . Why are you leaving so early ?"

I picked up Tristen and kissed his cheek "I gotta meet up with my friend in Dunkn Donuts"

"Oh alright then. Bye sweetie"

"Bye Ma, Bye Tris" I said as i ran my hands threw his short hair.

"Bye Ki" he said smiling while pushing my hair to my back . I put him down and headed out.


"Hey, I didn't know what you wanted to I just this new sandwich that looks good and a coffee"

I smiled "Thanks Jordan"

"Your welcome, so today's the day huh" He sighed while smiling

"Yup" I giggled "Don't be nervous. She'll say yes for sure"

"I hope so, but how come she didn't start talking to me herself ?"

"Ionn' know, plus I'm the one who wants her to have a boy more than anyone else"

 "Ohh , how come ?"

"I just want to see how happy she would be with one"


I just nodded and took a sip of my coffee .  

"Do you think I'm good enough for her ?"

I smiled "Ofcouurrssee"

"Your sweet, really cute, and she likes you . You don't even have to act when you ask her out on that date. Just be yourself, cause' I love you" I started giggling while talking "Your perfect for her Jordan !"

He smiled really big. Oh my fucking gosh he is so freaking cute. I had to smile with him.

"Thanks Ki" 

"Your welco-....ome" I looked over Jordan's shoulder and saw Juniior . I looks like he just finished looking at me because by the time I looked at him his head was turning .

"U-Uhm. Jordan I'll b- I'll be back, I'm going right out there" I said standing up and walking toward the door 


I walked outside and looked to my right I saw him walking "JUNIIOR !" His friends looked back but he didn't

I started walking toward them 

"Aye" One of his friend tapped him "Isen't that Kiarra ?"

I didn't see what his reaction was but I started running up to him "Juniior" I stopped once I got in front of him

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