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( chapter 3 ) FRANK THE PLANK 
❝total bullshit❞

MOLLY WAS RESTING her head on lips shoulder while reading a magazine

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MOLLY WAS RESTING her head on lips shoulder while reading a magazine. Everyone else was watching tv peacefully until frank barged in with a bloody nose and a blood-stained shirt.

"you ok frank?" steve asks him

"hey," ian stands up "that my shirt?"

"yeah" frank admits walking closer to ian. "uh, i'm just asking," he stammers backing up

frank randomly head butts him in the nose causing everyone to jump up while ian groans in pain and falls on the table

"ian!" molly yelps getting up to go help him.

"jesus!" fiona yells

"guy in the bar said to pass it on" frank grumbles

"what the fuck is wrong with you frank?" steve shouts getting up and shoving frank

"hey ian you all right?" molly asks him putting his head in her lap and grabbing him a tissue

"aside from the blood pouring out of my nose and my now pounding headache yea im all right," he responds sarcastically. molly rolls her eyes.

"you're drunk frank. drunk." steve says sternly

"this is drunk?" frank questions throwing his arms up "this isn't drunk. you wanna see drunk?"

lip quickly gets up when he sees that debbie got a frying pan from the kitchen. he goes to stop her from hitting someone

"don't do this to your kids," steve sneers

"what are you, a tough guy, steve? you think your a fucking tough guy" frank insists "because you look like a premenstrual filipino"

"steve go!" fiona grabs him right as he lunges at frank "get out. hey! just go. please"

"he's shitting his pants. pussy" frank laughs

while frank and steve were yelling at each other molly was helping veronica stop the bleeding coming from ians nose

"you're pathetic frank" steve points at him

"get out now. i mean it" fiona ordered

"come on. don't go. come on. puss, puss, puss" frank taunts as debbie and gabby are trying to get steve to leave "you wanna say something, pussy? it's mr joe fucking god gift the pussy"

"ice" veronica tells them just as steve walks out the door.

"it's a bloody nose. he's not dying" frank comments

"really, frank?" veronica rolls her eyes

"fuck off frank" molly sassed "ian just keep your head up and the bleeding will hopefully stop," she tells him. he nods leaning back and holding his nose with fiona now at his side

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