Chapter 3: Traces of a Ghost (in progress...)

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     I looked out the backseat window on our way back to town. The car smelled of gas stations coffee as we passed the town sign. A few minutes later a rush of familiarity overcame me as we turned into my street and pulled into our driveway, I could not wait to get out of that car but before I could my dad locked the door turned around and said "Aren't you forgetting something?" "No I don't think so..." I said apprehensively as he pulled out my phone out of his pocked which he has had for the past month and a half give or take "Are you serious?" I blurted out. "You start your sophomore year in no-time I think it's high time we give this back". I was so excited that I hugged my dad and ran into the house without thinking twice about it. It was the first time I actually passed her room to get to mine. I didn't notice until I was standing in front of her door. It was an unexpected feeling. But it didn't matter, I wasn't going to let that stop me because I was on a mission, to see Ollie so I activated the bat signal (meaning I just sent him a text).

"Did you miss me?" I said as Ollie walked into the cabin he responded with "You can't even imagine how much" then we crashed into a hug, that's what it felt like. It was like two magnets coming together, inevitable. I never got to talk to him after everything happened so it was a lot. However one thing was clear and it was that we were not letting go of each other anytime soon.

"I missed you, a lot" "and her" I whispered. "Me too Lu-, me too...all the time" "speaking of I think she wanted you to have this" he said as he pulled out a small wooden box out of his bag

"see it has a moon stamp on the bottom". This took me by surprise because she didn't leave a note, just the text I later found on my phone that read I love you, I'm sorry.

Me: Wait when did you see her? When did she give you this?

Oliver: That's what I wanted to talk to you about the day of the funeral

Me: Oliver ! When did she come to see you?

Oliver: Moon I –

Me: Oliver talk to me, please... I need to know

Oliver: She came over to my place the night before, she was coming from some party, seemed out of it so I let her sleep it off for a couple of hours, then drove her to your house. I really didn't think she would do anything like-

Oliver: If I had known I would've never dropped her off

Me: I know Ollie don't worry I'm not mad at you

Oliver: God! I didn't even see the box until I got back to the apartment. It had a note saying "don't open it Ollie I know want to, you'll know what to do with it soon"

Me: I don't think we'll ever find a reason for why she did it

I stayed with him in the cabin until dark, just talking until he dropped he off just across the street of my house, I leaned against his car and said "Thanks for the ride Ollie". "Anytime, I'm serious anytime, I don't want to loose you too" he said. As I walked away I turned around to him "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere-" and he just drove away.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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