Part 6

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Well, he killed a few people easily, they're more distracted by me, leashed and walking on all fours in the UNDERWORLD, I forgot to mention that the underworld had poisoned soil and rock so that helped. Brutus took full advantage of the situation and cut their throats, amputated their arms and legs, and let me go wild on their dying body. Let me fix the wording, he forced me to go wild or receive torture, yeah I did what he wanted me to do. He made sure to express his liking for females who don't resist, because struggling was not helpful for him or the woman, making it obvious that Morgan would be quite some trouble, or not, some of us in district twenty-seven think she's sexually harassed by her boyfriend with no resistance but hey, we have no proof. A few days passed, fifty or so of us died, and to think there could only be two victors was not a very comforting thought. Day after day of eating only the dead bodies of whoever Brutus killed was taking its toll, I'm not actually affected much, but I think Brutus put something in them before butchering them and throwing it to me. Some time after, we happened across Tiffany's path, she was quite prepared to slit our throats, run us through or strangle us to death with her sword, other sword and random lengths of rope respectively. Just like everyone before her, she was rather shocked to see me... being what I am, I thought she was going to be killed by Brutus, before I remembered she looks way more attractive than I am. Brutus grinned, the same way he did before knocking me out a few days ago. I wanted to shout, or just scream a warning of what's going to happen, but my voice faltered. At least Tiffany had a chance to fight, she started to swing her swords in the wildest mannered, duel wielding like she had been practicing for years just for this moment. Well, all that effort, went in vain as Brutus used his blow dart machine gun (very questionable anyway) to shoot a hail of poison coated darts, each made with the sole purpose to make her lose consciousness, which had a rather questionable place of origin, even the most impressive duel wielding skills cannot deflect all of the darts from a single shot. By the time I found my voice, Tiffany was already lying on the floor, looking pretty dead. Brutus used the same procedure he used for me, tying her up, collaring her and telling her his entire plan. I look at her, she looks back, I can practically read her expression, What the hell was going on? Wait, you're going to be killed... I just remembered his intentions, I am going to die. 

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