Chapter 2 (Complete!!!)

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Robert and his assistant, Jared, sat nervously in the back of the rabbits' sleek black car as they drove through the winding streets of Cape Town. The two anthropomorphic rabbits, who had introduced themselves as Winston and Dutch, sat in the front, their long ears twitching as they navigated the crowded roads. They have just left Jared's home, however they could not explain everything within that one meeting. They were low on time, Winston had to go home. He'd suggested that they resume at his place.

"I'm sorry about the attack back at the lab," Winston said, glancing at Robert and Jared through the rearview mirror. "We were just trying to protect ourselves. We didn't mean to hurt anyone."

Robert nodded, still trying to process everything that had happened. Just a few hours earlier, he had been conducting experiments at the lab when the rabbits had burst in, attacking him and Jared. But now, they were on their way to Winston's house to discuss things further.

"I understand," Robert said. "We were just as surprised as you were. We had no idea that animals like you existed. However... you had an issue with Jared's breakthrough regarding the African Wild Dogs... what was up about that?"

"I will explain once we reach my home. There are more of us out there, you know." Winston said. "We try to keep a low profile, though. We don't want to attract too much attention."

Robert nodded, his mind racing with questions. "How long have you been like this? And how did it happen?"

Winston sighed. "It's a long story. But the short version is that we were part of a government experiment gone wrong. We were given a serum that caused us to evolve beyond our normal animal forms."

Robert flinches for a moment. Something about that story didn't quite stick with him, but he decided to keep quiet out of respect.

"That's incredible," Jared said, his eyes wide with wonder. "I've never heard of anything like this before."

"It's not something we like to talk about," Winston said. "But we've learned to live with it. And now, we're just trying to find a way to reverse the process."

Robert nodded, understanding the weight of the situation. "I'll do everything I can to help," he said. "I'm a zoologist, and I have access to all kinds of resources. Maybe we can find a way to reverse the serum's effects."

Winston smiled. "Thank you, Robert. That means a lot to us. And maybe, with your help, we can find a way to live normal lives again. "As they pulled up to Winston's house, Robert knew that he was ready to do whatever it took to help these extraordinary creatures.

(To note, Robert is notably suspicious of the 2 rabbits. Currently, it is not clear about what aspect of the rabbits he is taking suspicion to. Jared seems onboard with this whole idea, without a second thought, displaying his inexperience and lack of maturity.)

They arrive at Winston's home. The gang proceed to get out of the car, before being greeted to... Nothing? An empty plot is presented to them. Robert turns to Jared in confusion, as does Jared to Robert.

"I'm sorry, Winston... I'm awfully confused, what is this meant to be?" Robert finally pipes up, almost hesitantly.

"Do you not see it, Robert?" Winston remarks as he walks to the central-most part of the plot, along with Dutch. Winston bends down, before giving a tug at what looks to be an exposed piece of dirt. What looked to be a piece of dirt, was rather some sort of camouflaged carpet of sorts. Pulled away, it reveals a dirt staircase leading down towards the Earth.

Dutch gestures at the Zoologists, instructing them to follow them. The 2 Zoologists do so with hesitation.

Jared moves his head towards Robert's ear before whispering.

"Sir, can I ask you a question?" He whispers, with a slight jitter in his voice.

"What is it?" Robert whispers back, in a more confident tone.

"What in the fuck is going on here?" Jared responds, with a slight chuckle at the end.

"I don't have a single clue. Just be careful, and don't get ahead of yourself." Robert whispered back.

They go down the staircase. With each trod, their boots leave an imprint on the dirt stairs. Both looking around meticulously, it looked to be some sort of enlarged Rabbit hole. Jared, his mouth agape, completely clueless and full of questions. A sense of doubt was still filling Robert. He could sense that something was missing in this metaphorical puzzle. He was in awe of the structure of such a large hideout, but his gut feeling put him off. He needed answers.

Dutch instructs them both to sit on the floor. There were no furniture. It was just a large dug out space. They all promptly say down. Winston begins to go  into detail about his life as an animal, and what lead to him getting changed.

Robert frowned as Winston finished his story. "That's a lot to take in," he said. "I'm not sure if I believe you. It all seems too incredible to be true."

Dutch sighed. "I understand your skepticism, Robert. But it's the truth. We have nothing to gain by lying to you. We just want your help to find a way to reverse the effects of the serum."

Jared turned to Robert. Robert's eye looked as though it was twitching almost. Winston took notice to this.

"Robert, we understand if you have some doubts. It's completely natural, don't be afraid to ask." Winston responded in a calm tone, in an attempt to calm Robert down, who was looking agitated.

"There is such a high level of absurdity to this whole ordeal..." Robert remarked, sounding a bit riled. "Rabbits, of all things... Rabbits? Not any other human-ish animals? No apes, dolphins, or something even remotely resembling humans... Rabbits..." As the breath left Robert's lips, he began to stare at Dutch, who had a rather sympathetic look to his face.

"Why here? We live in South Africa for god's sake! I've seen stuff like this happen in Cartoons... I'm a Zoologist for god's sake. I would know if experiments like this happen here! Did you travel abroad, huh? In your little bunny boat from America? Can you understand where I'm coming from? This doesn't make any SENSE!"

Robert slams his fist into the ground, leaving an imprint on the muddy floor. His eyes were wide open, he looks almost hysterical.

"I've been in this profession for years. This is such a far cry from anything I've ever learnt as my time as a Zoologist. Do you even have an explanation for this? This throws my entire philosophy out of the window! It's like all I know is simply for nothing. Are you just as confused as I am?"

"A bunch of bunnies. A bunch of bunnies who got abducted from the government? Injected with a serum? I've seen stuff like this on TV! Not real life!"

Jared responds to Robert's rant.

"Sir, you can't deny that they're real. They are sitting in front of us, in the flesh. Who cares if it's absurd, it's real. Can't you just ignore that for a second, and realize the sad position these poor rabbits are in?"

Jared spoke rather fast. He'd gasped when he had finished his sentence, seemingly speaking out of anger, Robert looked at him, shocked. However, both Winston and Dutch looked at him, barely looking rattled.

"We understand what you may be feeling. We will try and answer any question you give us. We apologize for putting you in this position."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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