Chapter 7

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[Art not mine]


[No ones P.O.V]

*Sunday Still*

Bendy took Cups hand and walked out of Sakura park and went to his place. "Um..Why are we going to your place?" "Oh so it won't be that far since my house is like 1-9 blocks and your house is a little far it's like 1-14 blocks away from the school,my house, and Sakura park." "Oh okay. Also can i ask you something?" "Sure Go ahead" "Is it okay if i can call you S-Senpai?" "Huh? It sounds like a weird name but okay but only you can call me that got it?" "Got it. Also Senpai will you eat your bento today?" "Yeah i will but i will eat it later when i'm hungry." "Okay" Cups said as they both continued walking. "Are we almost there yet, Senpai?" "Just a few more blocks." Bendy said as they continued walking until they made it to his house. They then went inside his house and went upstairs to his room. Cups then sat on Bendy's bed and checked the time to see it was 7:33AM. "So Senpai, what kind of music do you like?" "Well, lately I've been listening to a lot of classic stuff. Beethoven, Mozart, Bach." "So a bunch of old dead guys? You've got some pretty strange tastes, Senpai." "Oh, yeah? What do you listen to?" "J-Pop and J-Rock, obviously!" "Ahh, that's not really my type of music." "You just haven't found the right bands yet! I'll put together a playlist for you to listen to later." "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt." "I'll be waiting outside at 8:00AM. Don't be late!" "Okay, okay i-i'll try." "Good!" Cups said as he took his phone out. "I've gotta do something private in the kitchen so be right back and don't peak!" "Okay." Bendy said as Cups went into the kitchen and leaned on the counter with his ass a little bit up and going on spotify on his phone." "Oooo~ Senpai will love this! I will probably ask Senpai to go to the movies on Thursday. *Sign* A date with Senpai will be so good!" Cups whispered to himself as he turned off his phone and went into Bendy's room and 'dropped' his phone by 'accident'. "Oops~" Cups said as Bendy turned around to look at him. "Looks like i dropped my phone." Cups said as he looked at Bendy. "Looks like i gotta bend over and pick it up" Cups said as he looked down and bended over showing his ass on purpose. Cups then picked up his phone but before he could get up Bendy grabbed him and put his face and chest on the bed. "W-Wow! W-what are yo-you doing!?" Cups said as he looked at Bendy. Bendy then smirked and pulled down Cups's panties. "Huh?! H-hay i-i didn't mean it for real I-it was a joke!" Cups said nervously and sweating a little. "Heh~ Well it's too late now~" Bendy said as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down ,same with his underwear letting his member out. "H-Hay I'm n-not ready for this!" Cups said as he blushed a lot. "Hehe~" Bendy chuckled as he put the tip inside his entrance. "A-ah~! I-it h-hurts!" Cups said as he started shedding a tear. "I'll give you 1 minute to adjust it but then there's no turning back~" Bendy said as he whispered in his non-existent 'ear'. It was only about 45 seconds left and Cups nodded giving the signal for Bendy to move. Bendy then put his whole member inside his entrance moving on a medium past. "A-Ahhhh~! S-Senpai~~!" Cups moaned out while spilling drool and his eyes turning into heart shape eyes. Cups then grabbed a pillow and bit it on it while grabbing the bed sheets tight with his hands. Bendy then started moving at a faster pace and smacking his ass soft while rubbing it as well. "F-Fuck...~ Y-your s-so t-tight~~" Bendy said going much faster and slamming inside of him. Cups then let go of the pillow and let out whimpers, sobs, and moans. "A-ah~ T-there~~!" Cups moan out as he kept grabbing the bed sheets really tight. Bendy then slammed one more time and came inside of him. Cups then let out a loud moan as he came a little as well. Bendy then pulled up his underwear and pants on and buttoned it up and pulled up Cups's panties. "Do you need help getting up?" "N-No I g-got it!" Cups said as slowly stood up with his wobbly legs and grabbed onto something to keep his balance straight. "S-See I-i've got it!" Cups said as he let go of the lamp. Bendy then grabbed Cups and carried him on the bed. He then sat on the bed and put Cups on his lap. As they sat there in silence it was now 7:55AM. "So,you want to do it again next time~?" "Huh?! N-No! N-never!" Cups said as he crossed his hands together. "We'll see about that" Bendy said with a smirk as he kissed Cups forehead. Cups then nuzzled his face onto Bendy's chest and wrapped his arms around him. As they sat there in silence it was 8:00AM. "What time is it Senpai?" Cups said as Bendy took his phone out and checked the time. "It's 8:00AM" Bendy said as Cups got off his lap and grabbed his phone off the bed. "I'll be outside in front of the door! Don't keep me waiting!" Cups said as he went out of the room and out of the house and stood outside. " *Sigh* He's still is normal self from middle school but i still love him" Bendy said as he stood up and checked the time to see it was 8:01AM. "FUCK!! WHY AM I SO LATE!?" Bendy said as he rushed out of the room and of the house to see Cups looking at him with his sassy face and attitude. "Kept me waiting again but, it's fine. Anyways, time for you to hear what REAL music sounds like Senpai!" Cups said as he turned on his phone and went to spotify where the playlist is and handed it to Bendy. "All right, I'll listen to it." Bendy said as he took Cups phone and played a song on the playlist. He listened to it for a minute straight and gave the phone back to Cups. "Hey, You're right...this is pretty good!" Bendy said as Cups put his arms on his hips."Told you so, Senpai!" "It's not going to replace mozart anytime soon...but it's not that bad at all." "There's plenty more where that came from!" Cups said as grabbed Bendy's hand and went inside the house and went to the living room and sat on the couch with Bendy sitting on the couch and him sitting on his lap with his head on his chest. "So, Toots what's your plan for tomorrow?" "Um...I don't know but i'll think about it Senpai." "Okay, also can you stand up for a moment i gotta take my shirt off since it's hot ." "Sure thing Senpai." Cups said as he got up from his lap and stood there while Bendy took his shirt off and threw it at the floor and told Cups to sit back down on his lap which he did. 'I-I never knew he was this hot before' Cups said in his mind as his face was heating up and as he looked at his chest. Bendy then looked at him to see him staring at his abs which made him to smirk. "Heh, Yeah I know I'm hot looking. You can keep looking all you want to Toots~" Bendy said as Cups looked at him. "H-huh?! I-I wa-wasn't looking at you or anything I-Idiot!" Cups said as he looked away and crossed his arms together. "Hehe~ Yeah right~" Bendy said as he took Cups hand and kissed his knuckles and let go of his hand which made Cups to blush more. "Hmph! I-I'ma go to the kitchen to make something to eat and you better eat your bento du-dummy!" Cups said as he got up from Bendy's lap and went to the kitchen. "Hay Senpai come to the kitchen!" Cups said as Bendy got up from the couch and into the kitchen. "H-Here! Just sit down on the chair and eat your bento!" Cups said giving the bento to Bendy which he took and sat on the chair. "..Am I going to get a fork or something?" "OH, Right!" Cups said as he grabbed the fork from the cabinet and gave it to Bendy which he took of course. Bendy then took the lid off and looked at it. "I-It looks delicious." "J-Just shut up and eat it!" Cups said putting his hands on his hips. Bendy then took a bite of it and his eyes lit up. "Wow! This is delicious!" "R-really? You-you like it, Senpai?" "Yeah, It's great!" "That's right, you should be grateful! But don't expect me to keep giving you free food! Uh, Unless you want to eat my cooking everyday." Cups said whispering that last sentence. "Hmm? What was that?" "Uh, I-I didn't say anything, d-dummy!" Cups said as he grabbed his bento he made and took a fork and sat next on the chair next to Bendy and ate his bento with Bendy. "Let me take the box I'll go throw it in the trash." Cups said getting up and grabbing the boxes and going to the trash can and putting the boxes in the trash can while bending down as well. Bendy then looked at him while smirking. Cups then stood up and sat next to him while looking at him. "Y-You weren't looking up my skirt were you?!" "O-Of course not!" Bendy said nervously. "You better not! Or e-else!" "Or else what~?" "O-or else o-or else...N-nevermind..!" Cups said as he looked away embarrassed. "Hehe~ It looks cute when you try to act tough and try to think of something. It looks really cute on you and you're cute as well~" "HAY! I-I'm n-not c-cute!" Cups said as he covered his face with his hands. " *Yawn* C-can we go to bed even though it's still early in the morning?" "Sure!" Bendy said as he got up from the chair and grabbed Cups and carried him to the bed and layed down with him. "Good night love~" "G-good night Senpai" Cups said as both of them went to sleep.

I don't know what to put here -_-

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Bendy X Cuphead [High School/Yandere Simulator AU] [BendyStraw]Where stories live. Discover now