The Anthem of Man

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Degrade us,Betray us,Neglect us, Dissect us
We are one to the many as we are to the one
The heartbreak we wear,just like you with a smile

To rise you above the stars to make you shine brighter
Tireless to come home to hear you warrant a raging geiser
The restless journey Walking,driving,wanting to hear your voice
Purely to have enjoyment in the love that which drives us

Only to be beaten down by the other half of our soul
For only the consequential reaction of forgiveness or maltreatment
But we still bare the smile grimly with blood upon our back and beaten by your wiles
Still holding on to you for your half wit joyous smiles

Whilst you probably lust over the latter man
Adultery in your nature you seek your worth
Of the dirt you tread upon
When you soar highly with those who truly admire you, as the soul you take matches the fire

You brightly burn so bright but alas like the fox your trickster spirit prancing
In the moonlight,
Beating us down wearing us like skin
Suits and succubus feeding us
Those beautiful white lies as causality trembles

Some of us watch in tears as the blood dries
And the noose around our neck give way with our written goodbyes
We still all try to live that smiling life
For your sake,not for mine

Where our ground sullied by fire
And unstepped mines deviating
From your mind overtime,
Trying to find the time, to keep chasing you is a grind but all we want the most
Is the most simple pleasure in kind
Intimacy and quality time

Weighing upon us the darkest of Darkness
Our power wanes when not with you
Or our kind
For even us some noble warriors
Are sensitive compassionate and kind

When you in essence is our sound
And chime for in solemn pain I share
and love I write,even for tears I shed
and words I write
All we want is for you to see we have
Came this far to erase our scars

For this is Our anthem
The anthem of Man I write

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2022 ⏰

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