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(please excuse my grammars, thank you)


Jisung followed the person who exactly looked like him, jisung saw footprints with some blood on it

Jisung:what the- what happened here?

Jisung didn't waste a time and smelled the blood, jisung's eyes widened

It was minho's blood

Jisung:what? Am i smelling that right?

Jisung:I'll just follow the footprints


Chan:what do you want from us?!

King:i want you to take my throne

Chan:no! you're just going to marry me on that disgusting brat

King:just do what we want, it's not that hard.

Chan:i said no! We talked about this right?!

King:fine, I won't force you to marry  her. just take my throne

Chan:no, I don't want to! I want to be normal like everyone!

King:you're normal chan

Chan:no I'm not! just leave us alone!

King:what's wrong with you? We know what's the best for you

Chan:you don't know anything.

King:chan, my son please?

Chan:don't call me that! I'm not your son

King:listen son, ones you get married on her.. your life won't be miserable

Chan:that's not gonna happen! I would never marry her! My heart don't belongs to her

King:i wish i had killed you on that day, you useless piece of shit!

Chan:so was it true?!

Chan grabbed his knife from his pocket and stabbed his father on shoulder, making the guards point thier sword at him. Changbin, Hyunjin and Felix was watching everything from afar

Felix looked at changbin signaling him to take his bow and arrow out.

Changbin point his arrow on the guard who was pointing his sword at chan

Changbin let the arrow go, shooting the guard straight to his heart. The king didn't notice about the scene that happened

Felix:hyung watch ou-

Before felix could finish his sentence someone has already shoot Changbin on the thigh


Felix looked at the person who shooted Changbin, feeling a anger built inside him

Felix:watch changbin for me please, I need to do something

Hyunjin nodded, felix uses his speed to kill that person fast. He grabbed his neck and starts to choke him

Felix:you fucker

Felix bite him in his neck, ripping his skin as the guard kept yelling for help.

Felix saw that there's guard who's also watching them, one of them starts to load their gun.

Before they could shot Felix, Felix also grabbed them using his fingernail to cut the guards neck.

Hyunjin watching the scenes with horror in his eyes, he never seen Felix killed.

The king ordered the guards to request some back up but Felix didn't let them, he killed every guard who get on his way

Chan get his chance to escape, he grabbed the knife off the king and runs where hyunjin and changbin is

Chan:we have to go!

Hyunjin:what about felix? he's hurt!

Chan:changbin was loosing too much blood!

Hyunjin:i know but we can't just leave felix like that! He's also hurt

Hyunjin yelled for felix, the younger noticed hyunjin and goes to him

Hyunjin:let's go

Chan supports changbin to walk as they hide


Jisung:shit, what happened here?

Jisung saw the dead bodies of the guards, he check one of them seeing a bite and scratches on their neck, head, shoulder.

Jisung:did felix do this?

Jisung:no jisung, felix would never killed anyone

Jisung:i just have to find them, okay

Jisung kept talking to himself as he followed the footprints.

Shit, why did the footprints lead me here??

Jisung cursed, he was currently in his old house where he and his mother used to live in.

Jisung:i missed this home, is someone live here now??? It's all dirty and dangerous

Jisung peeked though the door, seeing Minho and Jeongin cuddling together


The rain starts pouring, Jisung was still stunned. He wasn't able to walk away

It's not what I think right? i-i'm just... tired

Jisung looked at the dark sky, as his tears starts to flow with the rain.

Jisung:it's okay jisung, your pain will gets washed away soon and no one could see your tears.

Jisung walked away, still feeling the pain on his heart

At least i know that he's fine now


Chan:it's raining, we have to get a shelter as soon as possible!

Changbin:this shit really hurts

Hyunjin:we have to kept going, we're dead if the king finds u- wait.. is that jisung?!

Hyunjin pointed at jisung who is seating on the three, shivering from the cold

Felix:jisung! Are you okay?

Jisung:i-i'm fine, w-why are you covered in blood, felix??

Felix:something just happened.. we have to get going! you'll get sick

Chan:i found an old small house there! Let's get inside!

Jisung refused to go with them, but Felix picked him up bridal style. Jisung was too weak to fights with felix

Chan:minho! jeongin! why are you guys here? Oh my- what happened?!

Minho:it just... nothing

Chan:nothing? You thigh was bleeding, don't tell me you hurt yourself again

Minho:no, the kin-

Minho stopped as he saw jisung, his eyes widened, same as jeongin who's also shocked

Minho:why is he here?!!

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