pt.2 we are going to meet them but???

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Pt . 1 last part line
Yn , Ranu,  Aroushi- hee...*nervously lough* sorry but we think to give you saprize plan cez today is Our friendship day *pouting* sorry it's Our fault to think give you saprize we are sorry


Jissu- it's not like that but we are happy that Our Manghna line is her
Lisa,  janni, Rose- we are agree
Janni- and yaa today we are missing you three soo much
Rose- yep we are talking about you three and how we met to each other and become friends no bestie
Lisa- and about your plan so it's Awesome
Yn- then let's cut the cake
Jissu- but where is the cake
Ranu- her *showing the cake*

*then they all cut cake and feed each other and about boys they are seeing their wives  and soon to be wife and love and feelings like they are not her*

Suga- hmm......can you talk as what going on

Jissu- ok so listen you think who is Manghna line so meet Our bestie they three are our Manghna line she is kim Mimi *point at Yn* park Raim *point at Ranu* and joen Aruk
Yn- she is joking my name is Yn Roy
Ranu- and I am Ranu Roy
Yn- how you Roy you are Ranu Park okay
Ranu- I am not married now
Aroushi- okay I am Aroushi singh

Jissu- how she is becom Ranu Ranu park
Aru- cez she is going to married and the groom is Korea
Lisa- oh who is he
Yn- he is Park Jimin
BTS & BP expect vminkook , ranu , yn and Aroushi- *shocked* we don't know this why
Tae- cez jimin didn't tell you about this
BTS- oh okay
Jimin- but now you know
Jissu- so she is going to married and what about you two
Yn- I am single
Aru- I am also
Rose- when you two go to have realisanship
Yn- don't know well single life is best life am I right Aru
Aru- yes you are
Tae- why do you think like that
Yn- because there are no one who love me 
Aru- yep simple answer
Rose- or who say this
Yn- I am
Lisa- and why
Aru- bec it's true
Tae- Yn  & Aru all love you then why saying this
Aru- we are saying about realisanship not family and friends love
Yn- yes well I am hungry *pout*
Jimin- you just now ate cake and now *inputting by Rm*
Rm- oh I think you know as
Yn- we know
Jk- when you all come her you say you are going to Austrila for Business Metting than har how ??

Aru- cez what we say its lia but expect one
Jk- okay so mind to explain as

Aru- okay Yn di

Yn- hmm okay so first her is my metting with my business partner who is Mr Kang

Tae- so what about you metting you do

Yn- oh about this so I am soo happy cez today Our Deal is fine and also I thought why not meet with unnie 's Is really good so we come her

Tae- so how much day's are you gonna her

Yn- Saturday

Tae- oh well wear are you live now

Ranu- at hotel

Janni- no you are gonna her so go and bring your bags her

Rose- yes jimin and tae go with them

Yn- you don't have

Tae- no we are coming 

Yn- tae I am say we don't have to go cez Our bag is coming but first let me call

Lisa- okay


Jihun- hi

yn- hello

Jihun- so what my work my lady

Yn- nothing much just bring Our bags

Jihun- something elc

Yn- no now com fast

Jihun- ok my lady

End call

Ranu- so he is coming
Yn- yep
Lisa- Yn  , Ranu and Aro you know you room am I right
Aru- yes unnie what happened
Jissu- notices this is you room
Yn- unnie were is my WWB and all Flower
Jissu- they   are with ther Grandparents house
Yn- oh so I can't meet with them *pout*
Janni- Yn don't worry all kid come tomorrow after day
Yn- Jinjha ~(really)  *than ball ring * oh I think he is come let's me see
Tae- I am also coming
Yn- okay  * then we go and her is standing cute boy with three bag* oh hi jihun

Jihun-  hi nonna
Yn- jihun~shii sometimes I really think  how can a cute boy work with me and also take cold face when it's coming to work
Jihun-  I am shy 😳
Yn- oh my God I can make my cute baby boy to shy baby
Jihun- yeah nonna well nonna I have to go cez my girlfriend is waiting for me
Yn-  I am soo sorry to disturb you *pout*

What going on her my love lately flirty with boy and not even care about me I am invisible for her and I also feelings jealous because of boy and her she is just call him   MY CUTE BABY BOY now it's enough I can't control so

Tae- I am also her *cold*
Yn- oh sorry tae
Jihun- anyong hyung *boul* *happy*
Tae- anyong *boul* *cold*
Jihun- nonna is he is your boyfriend *happy*
Tae- yes *cold*
Jihun-   ok so I am going  take care of my nonna hyung  *boul* *left*
Tae- who is he to you *cold*
Yn- None of your Business *cold*

Tae- *it's really make me angry so I sat the door and pin her at Wall * YOU ARE MY BUSINESS

YN- hu who say
Tae- Me I am saying that YOU ARE MY BUSINESS now say
Yn- okay okay he is like my brother and he always work with me he comes when he is gating garaguate he want job so I see he has a good sance in fashion so i take him as my one of worker as officers he is good at everything so i make him my campanion 's manager and about this so he want to help me at any way i say him to bring him Our Bags  so now you are cler

Tae- yes *and than Ranu come*
Ranu- oh sorry continue continue
Yn- hu what do you mean continue what we are doing first 
Ranu- so you two are not kissing
Yn- no
Ranu- but at bind looking like you two are kissing 
Yn- no and let me go
Tae- okay


On the other hand

Ranu- what's make them this much time
Jk- I think they are making out
Aru- you mean they are dating
Jimin- what it is really
Ranu- don't know then what we do
Jissu- then lets go and check
Ranu- yep I am going and no one is going to come okay 
Jimin- okay we are waiting

After 5 min

Ranu comes and tell everyone whatever is happening ther

He is really jealous bec of him (jihun)I really want to see him (tae) jealous and then he confessed me well now I am at my room and now I am going downstairs well about food so unnie is tired and Oppa is also so they are Ordered food for as and well we already ate and about me so I tell already to Ranu that whatever happened and she says he is in love with me that why he is jealous well I also think like this


Sorry Guys for late I am soo sorry beautiful well 

Happy new year all of you🎊🎉 2023 🍻🎊🎉

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