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 Hi everyone!!! So let me be real with you, guys. I cannot guarantee that this book will be the very best you have ever read in your entire life but nor can I say it will be the worst...seeing as it is my first ever, i guess you could say that this is me experimenting or finding a hobby. And again this could be really shitty but yet again we don't know...but i promise you all i will try my very best to make this story interesting and to keep your attention as the reader. 

If you have ANY ideas and or suggestions/advice, please be free to comment or contact me on my IG: @l.x.d.i.a

And one more thing please understand that I as a student do have responsibilities to put school first above most things so, please excuse me if I don't update in a while because of that reason. but until school starts again will definitely be updating on a daily basis. 


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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