Encanto: PRIMAL FURY!!!

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Description: Mirabel's door did appear, it was just far weirder than what anyone had expected. Instead of her room being a safe haven, it was a portal to another dimension that Mirabel was brought to. She was cut off from her family, but found companionship in the form of her two new friends, Spear and Fang. Mirabel quickly found that in this new world she had to either fight to survive, or die. We join the trio of survivors just as they're rescuing Mirabel's family from a large group of kidnappers...

Julieta sighed as she woke up again in her dingy prison cell. She and the other members of the family had been here for a few weeks now, after they'd tried to venture outside the Encanto. They'd been quickly captured by people who planned to sell them into slavery. Any attempts to fight back using their Gifts had ended in failure.

Today was the day they'd be sold. Julieta resigned herself to her fate...

But then, one of the guards came flying into the room and hit the wall, so hard that his head began to bleed. And then into the room stormed three figures. One of them was a bulky man wielding a spear, another was a small t-rex with green-ish blue skin, and another was Mirabel!

"Mija?" Julieta asked, unsure if this was a dream, "Is that really you?" "Si, its me" Mirabel answered, pulling out two black daggers, "And we're here to rescue you." She looked at all the other family members, and said, "All of you."

It took but a few minutes to break everyone out of their cells, and then Mirabel was telling them to "Get out of here while me, Spear and Fang take care of these fracks!" "What?" Isabella almost shouted, clearly shocked, "How?" Mirabel smiled, twirling her daggers, "Primal fury."

Mirabel could have laughed at the pitiful defence that these guys were putting up. Swords and shields, what a joke. She'd faced down giant dinosaurs and lived to tell the tale. She looked back at her family to see that they had shocked expressions, but she simply smiled in return. "Go. We'll deal with them." Reluctantly, the rest of the family left, leaving Mirabel, Spear and Fang to face the kidnappers.

Mirabel smiled even wider, now the real fun could begin.

She leapt into the fray, slashing at two guards, instantly killing them. She whirled around like a tornado of death, anyone who got too close was slashed down and if they survived, Mirabel simply stabbed them to finish it. 

Looking around, she could see Spear taking on tons of the guards, completely surrounded, but holding his own. Fang on the other hand was doing much the same, but faring far better due to her larger size. She was far stronger and tougher than her adversaries and was using that to her advantage.

Mirabel was suddenly aware of someone running up behind her. She swung her daggers at the man's neck, killing him. She let out a primal scream and continued fighting. She could hear Spear's answering bellow and Fang's own roar as the three wild warriors continued fighting. 

Spear smashed his fists and pretty much everything else into the bodies of their aggressors and when he could, he'd pick up their weapons and use them against them. Fang bit, stomped and tail smashed every guard who came near her, killing them through sheer brute force alone. And Mirabel became a hurricane of violence, spinning and slashing at everyone who tried to stop her.

In short, it was a bloodbath. 

Mirabel eventually started to run out of enemies. She slashed down the last guard, just as Fang finished snapping up the remainder who tried to escape. Spear came over to them, fists dripping with blood. He gestured to Mirabel's shoulder. The girl looked to see a gash cut into it - not too deep though, so it would heal.

Smiling, Mirabel walked with her two new companions to introduce them to her family.

That was gonna be an awkward conversation...

The End

Once again, I didn't have much of an idea for this beyond the basic premise. Though, let me know if you'd be interested in a full-on fanfic of this at sometime in the future! I'd love to work with characters from Primal!

That's all! Until next time my friends!

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