Owl House: Wild and Free

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Just a one-shot teaser for an upcoming fic which will hopefully connect to Multiverse Chronicles, eventually. Its a pretty big project though, and I'm still trying to find time to write it, with all the stories I need to finish working on, like Toothless x Sisu. I swear, these fanfics take half my life just trying to finish them... 

Anyways, enjoy!

Fanfic Name: Queen of the Wild!

Story Description: After his daughter becomes infected with a strange sickness that no-one knows how to cure, not even his wife Camila, Eberwolf tries something drastic. He goes to his ex-girlfriend the Bat Queen (Its a long story) and she manages to save Luz - by fusing her with a ton of willing Palismen. Now with enhanced abilities and a deep connection to nature, Luz must navigate a confusing new life while mastering her magical powers and even finding love along the way! But of course, dark forces wish to take Luz's power for themselves...

Luz's Age: Normally, she would be fourteen, but ever since she became part Palisman, Luz doesn't age the same way other witches do, so its unclear how old she actually is.

Luz's Appearance: Long wild hair that covers her left eye and reaches down to her calves, piercing yellow eyes that glow whenever she uses her Palisman-based magic, dress made from Slitherbeast fur, light scarring over her body, sharp teeth and claws, palistrom wood growing from her back down to her right arm, no shoes.

Luz's Personality: Curious and easily excitable, fiercely protective of nature and those she trusts, with a surprisingly affectionate soft side.

Luz's Powers: She can use beast-keeping magic and even fuse together two forms of fauna of the Boiling Isles to make a new beast, she can make her own staff from her body, replicate some of the features of the Palismen she was fused with, like wings, claws, ears and even their legs and tails, she can communicate with Palismen and grow palistrom wood from her right arm, along with having enhanced strength, speed and durability.

Friends and Family: Eberwolf (Father) Camila (Mother) Bat Queen and her children (extended family) Viney (girlfriend) Eda (mentor) Willow (friend) Gus (friend)

Main Pairing: Luz x Viney

Anyway, on to the one shot!

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a very special exhibition match for this year's Covention!" Lilith Clawthorne announced, as the crowd cheered. "Representing the Emperor's Coven, we have Amity Blight, my apprentice!"

There were thousands of cheers and cries of "GO AMITY!" as the girl in question stepped into the arena, her green hair making her easy to spot. She was already poised for battle and her hands were already covered in Abomination goop.

"And representing the Beast Keeping Coven, we have Luz Noceda!" There were many more cheers and cries of "YEAH LUZ!" as the daughter of Eberwolf practically leapt like a wolf into the arena. Her long hair reached down to her ankles and the one eye that could be seen through the mane was already glowing as dark green wood-covered wings sprouted from her back and her right arm's already long claws grew to three times their normal size.

"BEGIN!" Lilith shouted.

Luz immediately howled to the sky as her father and mother cheered for her, bounding into battle. Amity summoned a colossal abomination, but Luz just tore through the monster's chest and collided with the green-haired girl, pinning her to the ground. Luckily, she managed to throw off Luz, but the beastly witch was far from done. She drew two gold circles in the air and from them, a Slitherbeast and a Stonesleeper emerged.

The crowd watched in awe as Luz's hands glowed with golden light as well as the creatures' bodies, as they fused together to form a new entity. It had the body, tail and head of a Stonesleeper, but the legs and arms of a Slitherbeast, not even mentioning the white ruff of fur running down its back to the tip of its tail.

Luz hopped on top of the creature and let out another howl to the air, this one sounding more like a challenge than a declaration of battle. "Come on Blight, lets see if your purple golem can take on my Slithersleeper!"

Amity only had one thought.

How the hell was she gonna win now?

The End

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