Trip Naughty

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In the West Garfield Park district of Chicago, a busy dorm full of gays, theys and trans is having a chat. Zaqra, the renter of the apartment, crazy rich trans girl and a desperate hoe working as a stripper has an idea. She has had various Grindr dates before, but all just ended up in the same thing, sex! I guess you couldn't call it sex because sex requires love... according to some people. She finally exclaims: "Guys! I have an idea, let's all try to find a boyfriend or girlfriend somehow!" "Don't say guys, that's offensive! Also what about enbyfriends??" Peach said, while he was listening to Trip Naughty by Tripnotic. He uses many pronouns and has worked on music for FKA Twigs and Björk. 

"Ok whatever! I don't care about liberal rules..." said Zaqra, who has watched too many Blaire White videos. "There's a new TikTok trend where girls stay at home while their boyfriends work. Maybe we should do that!" says Biel. He is the youngest of the dorm and is only in college because he skipped 4 grades. "Lady Gaga" says Dalton, the chronically online they/them, followed by skulling their own message. 

"I have an unhealthy obsession with men who are semi-attractive and not fully attractive!" says Zaqra. "Great, then you can get more boyfriends because your standards are deeper than where Joan Rivers is resting.", Manu exclaims. He is a cam girl and  has already found a potential boyfriend, but ghosted him because of him giving off serial killer vibes. Zaqra says "I can get many boyfriends, but for other reasons!" "In your dreams." says Cvrnivore who already found a wife, and is leaving the dorm in 1 week. 

Zaqra is annoyed and opens her laptop to try to find tips to find a boyfriend. She is stubborn and doesn't want to use online dating, so the online guide doesn't help her. She starts to get an interesting idea: "What if we just went to the frat boys and talk with them?" "Are you stupid or dumb? They'll either force us to fuck them or force us to clean their toilets and cum socks." says Gabriel, who has a point. "I went to the frat boys once and they gang banged me, it was okay but their dicks were so small!" said Manu sadly. 

"Y'all dont get Zaqra. She wants a BOYFRIEND, not a boy toy. Someone that could actually love her, but she'll never get that! Flop." Pixie says, putting his insecurities on her. He has been thirsting for one boy for 4 years, but he turned out to be a war criminal in Niue. "Pixie, I have an idea!" says Zaqra. "What?", says Pixie "Let's touch some grass!", says Zaqra. Pixie shouts "Yass!"

Author's Note: I need a boyfriend!

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