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Zaqra and Pixie were about to prepare to go outside. Zaqra doesn't care that she will probably get mugged and wears her best dress anyways. Pixie goes outside in a basic outfit. But before they are about to go outside, Anger (idk what to call her) stops them and says "I would ask y'all if I could come too, but I'm coming automatically. Deal with it." She is the oldest in the group (with 20 years) and is concerned about the younglings. "Ok sure but hurry up" Pixie says. Manu and Cvr are about to hit a blunt.

The walk to the bus station was kind of awkward, but they made it without dying. They hide under the rubble of another apartment complex to not get shot, but some kids see them anyways. "Hey sussy bakas!" the dumbass kid says. Without a warning, Anger shoots a piece of the rubble on him. He runs away (as he should.) When the bus arrivea after a 20 minute delay, Pixie says "We should've just walked to the metro station." "We would've died!" says Zaqra. 

The bus is mostly empty, except a few teens who trade drugs and YUGIOH cards. They decide not to interrupt them to not die, but one of them asks the: "Want some crack cocaine?" Manu has always warned them to stay away from drugs, since they corrupted his mind. "Stop being persuasive!" Anger says. They back away... (somehow?).

Zaqra remembers her life back in Austria. It was obviously not as adventurous and fun as in Chicago, but at least she didn't have to think about life or death everyday. "Honestly, we should start a business so we can get some gender-affirming surgeries." she says to Anger, who replies with "It's not that easy."

They (FINALLY!) arrive in the city centre. Zaqra, Pixie and Anger entered a Wendy's because they were broke, but they were interrupted by Cam calling them. Cam is a nerd who used to live in Chicago with them but managed to get a scholarship into NYU. But he has both good and bad news. Bad News: He will have to move back in with them since he can't afford to buy food there. But he will bring a friend: Mateja will join the apartment too. It seems like people here always come back to their issues.

"We're already sleeping in 3 beds WTF?" says Zaqra, but at the same time she is happy that she can meet her old friends again. Anger, Pixie and Zaqra totally forgot their mission but still ate some Wendy's. However, that's when the waiter notices Anger...

author's note: i read some horrible fanfic so to refresh my brain take this

part 3 soon x.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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