Chapter 1: Arrival

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This world may have its genuine heroes and villains who are in a constant state of conflict. But there are other guardians around the world to protect it in their own unique way. When they come down to the physical, that's when things get a whole more interesting.

It was late at night in Metropolis, when a freak storm suddenly hit. There was no rain with thunder roared through the sky and the lightning seemed to course to one specific location, directly above the part. It seemed to target a spot on the earth when suddenly, the light struck down and left a crater in the park. However, that wasn't the only thing it left, and something, or rather someone, had begun to move up and out of the crater. It was an armored figure who wore a silver chest plate, shoulder and arm guards and bracers, along with black and dark blue waist and crotch flaps, as well as silver leg bracers on his forelegs. And on the center of his chest armor was an insignia of a skull with a lighting bolts crossed together. He also wore a helmet of silver, sharp-bladed metal around the top and sides of his head and a faceplate that looked a demonic skull with sharp teeth.

Walking out of the crater, he looked around to find himself a public park, and his entrance has left quite a mess. He hopes that he didn't have to deal with any problems because of this. But that was when he heard the sound of sirens coming his way and looked to see police cars rush into the park. He watched as they came out of their cars and pointed their guns at him, completely surrounding him.

Police:"Freeze, freak! Face down on the ground and hands behind your head!"

But the man did the opposite, keeping his head up and having his hands point to the ground. As he did that, electricity began to course through his armor as he could feel himself levitate off the ground. The police looked in awe as they saw the armored figure float above their heads, and that's when they decided to do something stupid.

Police:"Open fire!"

They all tried to pour it on him, but their bullets were disintegrated by the electricity before they could even reach him. And that's when he decided to retaliate by pointing his to the ground and sending off a massive shockwave that blew back their cars and rendered all of them unconscious. With that done, the armored figure had decided to get out of there as took flight and went into the city with electricity coursing around him and leaving a trail of lightning behind. As he streamed around the buildings, his lightning messed with the electricity, causing lights to flicker off and on, sparks to fly through power lines and streetlights to burst. As he continue to fly around, he caught of this city's defenders who just so happened to be around at the time and had decided to follow him.

Just as he stopped at the top of a building, he looked out into the city and saw the energy coursing through it. He was a long way from home, but he knew was here for a reason. He wouldn't have been summoned if it were nothing.

?:"Well, he's definitely not Livewire..."

Hearing that voice behind made him turn around to see the Superhero Girls standing before him. There was Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Green Lantern, Zatanna and Bumblebee, and they were all eyed by the masked figure who stared at him through his helm.

Supergirl:"...But he definitely looks pretty cool."

Zatanna:"He definitely looks demonic if you ask me."

Bumblebee:"With the skull face and skull on his chest...he definitely seems like a bad-guy."

Wonder Woman:"Whether his intentions are bad is something we should be asking."

Green Lantern:"We just need to figure out how we'll know."

Batgirl:"Well, there's only one way to find out for sure."

And just like that, Batgirl casually walked up to the armored warrior, who takes a stance against her in a defensive way. But Batgirl puts her hands up, not wanting to fight.

Batgirl:"Wait, wait, wait! We're not here to fight!"

Supergirl:"We're not? Did I miss a meeting?"

Batgirl:"We just like to know who you are."

?:"...(Metallic Voice) You shouldn't have to worry about me..."

And that's when he took a step back, close to the edge of the building.

?:"I'm no one of consequence."

Realizing he was about to jump, the girls rushed to try and stop him.


But they were too late as he simply leaned back and fell off the building. They look down to see if he was gonna hit to ground, but that's when they saw him take flight again and sore away from the building.

Supergirl:"After him!"

And that's when they all decided to fly after the armored warrior, well except for Batgirl, who need some assistance from Green Lantern, giving her a platform to stand on as they went after the figure, who left a trail of active lightning behind him. They dare not touch the lightning, less they be electrocuted, but that didn't stop the lightning from trying to attack them regardless, as it flashed at them, trying to knock them out of the air.

Supergirl:"Gah! Is he doing this on purpose?"

Green Lantern:"Something tells me he doesn't want to be disturbed!"

Wonder Woman:"We cannot take any chances if we have malicious intentions! Move fast, get in close!"

They all were on his tail, and when he saw that he was in fact being chased, he decided to actually try and attack, just to shake them off. The girls were forced to dodge even more and were losing sight of the figure, who continued to fly further away.

Supergirl:"Gah! Great! Now he's trying to kill us!"

Bumblebee:"No, he's just trying to keep us away! But I have an idea, cover me and let me get in close!"

Green Lantern:"Bumblebee, wait!"

Shrinking down to the size of her namesake, Bumblebee thought it easier to invade the lightning more and headed in close towards the armored warrior. However, the moment she got in close to his head, he turned to face her and the sight of her demonic looking helm made her yelp in fear and back off. Unfortunately, this caused to get caught in some of the electricity coursing around him and it shocked her to the point where her suit short-circuited and caused her to revert back to normal size. The shock also rendered her unconscious as the girls saw her begin to fall out of the sky.


Before they could go in and try to save her, the girls were caught off guard upon seeing the warrior go in ahead of them and catch Bumblebee before she could hit to ground. Landing safely, he carried her bridal style before putting on the ground with extra care as the Superhero Girls came down to check on their friend. Bumblebee was surprisingly unscathed, yet her suit was a different story, and the sight of her made Supergirl almost instantly turn back to the armored warrior.

Supergirl:"(growling) You..."

The warrior merely stood idly by as the Kryptonian looked ready to charge at him. At that, she did as she flew at high speed straight towards him in hopes of colliding with him. However, the warrior reacted much faster than her, moving faster than the eye can see as everything seemed to slow down around them. Using his electric powers, he summoned a weapon, a sledge hammer that he sent Supergirl's way as it slammed her straight in the gut and sent her back to her friends, as they all collided with each other, leaving them in a giant dust cloud.

When the dust began to clear, Batgirl can be seeing crawling out the impact zone, watching the armored figure turn his back on them and summon a portal from electricity. Before he could enter, he turned his head to face her, knowing that he was being watched.

Batgirl:"...What are you?"

?:"I am called...the Spark Spirit."

And then he entered through the portal, which closed behind him. But this wasn't the last they would see of this mysterious new figure, as their story with the spark spirit was just beginning...

I intended for this chapter to be much longer, but everything got erased and I had to start all over again because this literally took me all day to right. More content will be coming out soon, though, so just wait.
- Light

DCSHG: Tale of the Spark SpiritTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon