Chapter 4: A New Evil from the Dark Dimension

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In the abyss, there is everything and nothing within the infinite darkness. Anything can take any shape or form, but it all comes back to be swallowed whole. What is considered unfortunate enough to escape can grow to be power strong, wise, powerful, but like many things from the abyss, it grows to become dark and twisted in any way, shape or form. They drive on chaos, for the suffering of others and the desolation of life-filled worlds. Where it not for those created by the light, would existence become overrun with such horrible blackness. There has always been a balance between good and evil. And sometimes, that balances shifts uncontrollably when what is born from an original evil fights for good. From them, we learn that sometimes, one must embrace the darkness to fight against it before stepping back into the light. But when those of light look into the eye of the abyss, it swallows them whole.

And sometimes...those born of evil...sometimes, do they come back.

Luke was adjusting to Metropolis quite well, and was assuring that the city was getting all its power back nice and slowly, to not cause much suspicion. Ever since making his debut as the Spark Spirit and easily taking on both this city's defenders and criminals, he hasn't had that much taste in action. The most he has done upon his arrival is settle within his new apartment, have a bite to eat and take a tour around Metropolis. And aside from that, the only other thing he had been doing was training. Training to ensure that he had full control of his other half. The Spark Spirit was a being that craved the thrill of battle, and awakens at the sight of evil and corruption. Luke could only hold it in for so long before it begins to act on its own. He was told that it would be easier to control as long as he had others to help him along the way. That wasn't easy, since he never had that much time to socialize. The only other one he allied himself with was...

As Luke thinks about this, he looks up into the sky, remembering the good things of his time growing up. Especially the one who cared for him.

Luke:"(to himself) Are you watching me now, Nadia? As you always have? You'd love it."

Just as he said that, something was occurring as he felt the ground shake before he looked up to see that it was the Villainess Giganta, being chased by Batgirl as the two practically flew over building to building. A sight that Luke almost found amusing.

Luke:"Aside from the...many weird things that happen around here."

Raising his left hand, he points to a street light and sends out a bolt of electricity, which heads down, going to the power lines directly underneath the streets. The stream followed the heroine and villainess from below the surface until Giganta managed to hit the ground, landing right on top of an electrical vent. The stream catches up to her and practically makes the vent blow up below her feet.


It was enough to knock her out as Batgirl finally managed to catch up as well, seeing the down muscle-head before her.

Batgirl:"Huh. Looks like my job's done."

Please with himself, Luke continued along the way. But little did anybody know that from beyond then earth, beyond their fabric of reality, there was something watching over the planet through a window of time and space. Several figures, hidden by the shadows of the dimensional plane stood in front of the window . The one in front of them all, look at the earth with glowing red eyes, and with such contempt.

???:"So this is the place in which our predecessors had failed to conquer. What a surprise; the world is filled with its own protectors. But none may stand before us as a threat, for they do not possess the power to stand against us."

???2:"You'd be wise not to underestimate them, Vatican. Many have tried, but the inhabitants of these...Earths are too stubborn to know when to submit."

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