Chapter 2: When Lightning Strikes

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It was the next day, at Metropolis High, where the Superhero Girls in their casual clothes walked through the halls, discussing the events that took place with the newcomer, the Spark Spirit as he called himself. While most of them were not as banged up, Kara and Karen looked like hell, with Karen having bandages on her face and Kara having hers around her abdomen. The Kryptonian herself was not in a good mood, especially with the Amazon lecturing her.

Diana:"You shouldn't have engaged the warrior so recklessly. We did not know the full extent of his power."

Kara:"He nearly fried Karen! I couldn't just let that slide!"

Karen:"Kara, please! I-It was mostly my fault. I got in close and scared by his...skull face, leading me to fly right into the electricity."

Jessica:"(puts her hand on Karen's shoulder) Don't sell yourself short, Karen. We may all be to blame for what had occurred."

Diana:"Indeed. And if we are to see this individual again, we will be ready."

Zee:"Babs, he said something to you before he left. What was it?"

Babs:"I...kinda asked him what his name was. He called himself 'The Spark Spirit', which sounds super cool! But doesn't really fight how, you know, how demonic he looks if you ask me."

Zee:"Huh. Someone's a critique on superhuman names."

Kara:"Why does it matter what his name is? He could've killed us, but decided to flee like a coward! Next time I see him, Ol' Sparkplug is going down!"

Babs:"It's Spark Spirit."

Kara:"I don't care! That armored jerk owes me for the giant bruise he left on my stomach!"

Zee:"Oh, Kara. I'm sure it's not that ba-"

Just then, Kara lifted the bandages to show her friends her wound. They all had cringed reactions at the sight of it, as Zee was gagging and trying not to throw up.

Zee:"Hulp! (Covers her mouth) Put the bandages back down!"

Kara reluctantly did so as she held a scowl on her face. Meanwhile, everyone was talking the new supposed guy that managed to work over the Superhero Girls last night. Apparently, footage was caught on Security Cameras and was put on the News and Online. Many students were rewatching the video...and one in particular was getting a laugh out of it. Harleen Quinzel was laughing her butt off at the sight of the Spark Spirit slamming a hammer into the Supergirl's stomach and crashing her into the rest of her colleagues. She then went over to Selina Kyle to show her the footage.

Harleen:"Can you believe it, Selina? This new guy, comes out of nowhere, all lightning and sparks, and manages to "WAM!" Right into Ol' Superbrat's belly! Can you believe it!"

Selina:"Honestly? Yeah, I can. She was never really that smart, after all."

Harleen:"Hehe! This is my favorite part!"

She shows the moment where the hammer is slammed into Supergirl.

Harleen:"Ha! Ha ha! I totally gotta get this on a T-Shirt!"

And it was at that moment, Leslie Willis walked near the two land Harleen couldn't help but think that the Internet Prankster would want to see this, as she practically shoved Selina aside and rushed over to Leslie.

Harleen:"Ooh! Ooh! Sparky! I got something you wanna see! (Trips and falls) Oof! (Gets back up)"

Leslie:"What is it, weirdo?"

Harleen:"(Brings up her phone) Take a look!"

Leslie then began looking at the video of the Spark Spirit showing up and working over the Superhero Girls in one hit. It made her raise an eyebrow at the sight of him.

DCSHG: Tale of the Spark Spiritحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن