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Esmerays pov:

I've never loved someone. My own mother isn't here on this earth to be someone I could say I loved. She wasn't here long enough to show that she loved me and the alcohol that was always altering her thoughts never let her reassure me that she loved me

I know deep down she had the thoughts of love for me. She tried sometimes but the alcohol always took over

As I sit here on the brink of death from the blows I just got I think deep down about how the world doesn't need me anymore. I am simply a nobody who lives in a house and goes to school like a bunch of other 17 year olds

The truth is deep down I feel I will never know who I am

Books have always been number one for me though. I have never picked up a book and decided I didn't like it even the educational ones because learning new stuff has always been a thrill

My body has gone numb from the pain my ribs are dealing with. I sit in silence as all I can hear is the blood rushing around inside my head. It's calming like waves but my head is throbbing so it has the effects that make it so much easier to decide I don't wanna be here on this planet

As my body comes down from the numbness I know I will have to start the regular routine

The one where I have to do my makeup to hide the bruises and then cook a whole meal for the person who gave me the bruises

After the eggs have sat in the pan for the right amount of time I slap them on a plate. I spit on them then smile to myself knowing if he seen me do that then the world would have been taken right out from under my feet

I place the plate onto the table. The table has beer bottles all over it some tipped over. Some just completely empty and left for me to clean up

I go back to the small little room that is considered my bedroom and grab my book bag I take a glance down at my huge hoodie and then the leggings on my legs. I also glance at the shoes that are just a tiny bit too small for my feet but knowing I have nothing else shoes wise I head out of the front door to start my walk

As I'm headed towards the school a car passes and I see a few kids from my school in the car. The car quickly turns around and speeds back by when I see the puddle im near I try to walk quickly but the ribs are aching then suddenly the water isn't in the puddle anymore instead it is dripping from me as the car speeds back by and howls of laughter are heard from it

I continue my walk. I don't care about the water dripping from my hoodie. I don't care that it's 30 degrees out and I'm freezing. The main thing I'm mad about is the fact that I've never even talked to anyone I seen in the car. They did it for their own amusement just because they felt the need

I pushed through the school doors not really dripping anymore but hoodie still wet. I walked to my locker opening it to grab some books then spun around a little bit too quickly because a kid was standing behind me trying to get through and when I spun around my books went flying from colliding with his

No words were exchanged. He didn't help me pick up my books actually he let out a laugh when I bent down to grab them

I turned around and looked deep into his eyes. He stopped laughing the moment that eye contact was made and rushed off

Once all my books were gathered I started my walk to math. Having math at the beginning of the day was the worst but I was fine with getting it over with

Walking into class I got to my regular seat and pulled out a book I had been reading

A loud bang came from right infront of me. I slowly lowered my book and noticed it was the sound of a meter stick making contact with my desk

"Care to explain why you are reading instead of paying attention to my lesson?" I made eye contact with the teacher and soon my mouth was opening and the words started coming out

"Well I already know all of this" I gestured toward the papers that laid on my desk "and I don't really need to learn it again so I thought I would finish this book" I pull the book back up to where my eyes can read it and begin reading when the book is snatched from my hands. I jumped up on reflex to grab my book but the teacher continued to walk with it

I followed him all the way down to where he placed the book on his desk then snatched the book right back off his desk "this is my personal property so I don't know where you decided to think it's yours too but it's not." I turned around to walk back to my desk when I made eye contact with atleast three people. They all looked amused by the situation im happy they got a kick out of it cause I did not.

The teacher sent me to the office. The office called my step dad and their it was the knowing that punishment was going to be bad tonight

I was able to go back to class but it was lunch when I was finally let out of the prison of the office I was being kept in

I made my way to the empty lunch table I always sat at and put my head on top of my arms to catch a nap until lunch ends

I was interrupted by a apple flying across the table and smacking me in the head

I slowly raised my head looking for the person that did it. I made eye contact with the guy that was driving the car earlier and stood from where I was sitting. I made my way across the cafeteria to where he was sitting and grabbed the collor of his Leathermans jacket

"Throw one more thing at me and your pretty car that we all know u stole will accidentally get impounded" I let go of his jacket and smoothed it down then did a walk to the bathroom and heard the bell ring

The last period of the day just came to an end and I was for more scared to go home then I wanted to let on

I walked out of the school building and their it was. The old rusty black pickup truck that he drives

He never comes to pick me up so this is going to be worse than I thought it would be

He honks and I reluctantly make my way to his car

He lets out a low laugh as I get in and maybe it's just to scare me but I know he will do anything without hesitation so I don't take the warning lightly

As we drive we stop at a house. Three guys emerge from the house they all look as if their over forty years old and all have the beer belly of someone who's been drinking for over thirty years

They all climb into the back giving nods to him and looking at me with pure hunger in their eyes and in that moment I knew my fate

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