Chapter 3: Hard work pays off

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Three hours later, the two sat in a fully constructed sentry nest, just around the corner from necessary intel, but still far enough from the fight to relax. Engie sat on a hay bale he carried in from his truck, and pyro sat cross legged next to him. The two sat in awkward silence, engie drinking and plucking his guitar, and pyro meticulously cleaning his axe, bits of flesh and bone one the floor next to him. The weapons last victim struggled quite ferociously. Suddenly, scout turned the corner and plopped himself next to the dispenser, clearly out of breath. "Thanks brainiac, ya a real one." He said, very quickly. In between breaths he grabbed ammo out of the bottom drawer of the dispenser and loaded his scatter gun. Slowly.
Pyro eyed him with....a fascination? Concern? Hard to tell. Everyone was silent. "Hmp mmmph mhp hmp" said pyro, clearly trying to convey something to their fellow mercs, but failing. Engie, at a loss to what they could mean, tried to get to the bottom of this. "You, uh, wanna beer maybe?" They shook their head. "I got some snacks in here, how about that?"
No again. "What are you goin on about then?"Engie mused. Pyro stood, perhaps frustrated by their lack of understanding. Scout was still here, and unusually quiet for unusually long. That was weird. "Hey, uh, scout, whatcha still doin here? You ain't really known for stickin around, heh." Engie, now concerned, approached the runner. Pyro stepped forward, standing in between the two. "MMMMPH MPH HMMPH MMMPH!" They were acting erratically, clearly unable to convey what they meant but still intended to try. Scout coughed, and a small cloud of blue smoke left his mouth. It was then, as the impostor rose and took aim at the pyro, that engie understood what his flaming friend was trying to convey.

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