Chap 1

95 4 1

It will be mainly be Harry Potter's POV!

(Please tell me if you want more, I'm open to any suggestions- and if something is wrong with the spelling of something or punctuation please tell me! This is my first story)

Gasping in a cold sweat, I hurtled my body forward in my bed, my eyes shooting around the room. Gasping for air, my lungs felt tight, almost as if I couldn’t breathe. I felt my hands clenched at my right side, my nails ripping through the skin, the stinging was slowing my brain down.

My breathing slowly reverted back to normal. Unclenching my fist and looking down, my knuckles were white like snow. Bringing my hand up, I could see the skin that I had dug up under my fingernails and the blood dripping off my hands and down onto the bed sheets, staining them a glossy red. Glancing down with indifference at the mess, The coppery scent slowly filled up my nose.

Getting up from my bed, feeling like I was detached from the world, my arms moving sluggishly,... My whole body seemed to not want to listen, like someone else was controlling it.

I was walking around my room, looking in the mirror, rage coursing through my body as I caught a glimpse of myself. Sudden panic set in as I heard a loud crash. I had knocked down a vase, breaking me out of my trance. My head shooting over, looking at the shards over the ground, a small smile coming onto my face.

Looking around the room, my eyes glazed over. It wasn’t mine; nothing here was mine; it wasn't home; it was only a place to survive.

Leaving the bedroom, my eyes staying to the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone, the drops of my blood falling to the floor, leaving a trail of where I was, Sharply turning around the corner, trying to get out of someone's way, knocking my shoulder into the wall, wincing from the pain as my body recoiled. My head felt full, like it was being compressed and was being filled at that exact moment. The sound of my heart thumping in my ears started to make me worrisome that someone could hear it.

Looking down and seeing a pool of blood under me, my body realing backward as I brought my arm up to my face... When did it get so deep? I thought it was a small cut—nothing deep—and nothing this bloody.

Shuddering quickly, my body went into a panic. moving into the first room I could find, slamming the door shut, hearing the resounding noise as I felt it coursing throughout my whole body, shaking me to the core. My breathing is getting heavier as the blood dripping into a small puddle of blood below me. The drips were the only thing I could hear.

Drip…  My lungs felt like they were on fire. I couldn't get a proper breath into my lungs. They felt useless.

              Drip… I keeled over onto the ground, my knees buckling and smashing into the hard marbled floor, my hands shooting up, clawing at my chest.


Hearing the slow creak of the door opening as my breathing grew heavier, I turned my head over to look at who was at the door. My body freezing up, feeling their arms wrap around me and slowly start to lift me into the air; looking down and seeing the mess I had made.

When I woke up, my arm felt like it was being suffocated. Glancing down, I was confused to see that it was wrapped up in gauze. My eyes slowly adjusted to the lights beaming down at me as I started to glance around. I was in a hospital ward.

Pushing my body up as I winced, pain coursing up my shoulder like electricity and my eyes squeezing shut at the instant pain. My head whirled around when I heard the loud noise of a door opening, my gaze shifting at the sudden turning, everything getting blurry. Glancing back down at the ground, I focused on the intravenous (IV) line stuck into my arm.

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My mind started to race with thoughts; I didn’t understand why I wasn’t dead. There was no reason why I was alive, why I was bandaged up and in bed instead of bloody and gasping for air on a cold, hard floor.

My body jolted when I heard a loud noise from something falling next to me. I moved my hands up to protect myself, almost forgetting where I was. I was about to shout an apology at whoever was there until I squinted my eyes open and looked up at no one. "Wha-?" I looked around, my eyes darting around the room, my headache growing at the quick movement and the bright lights.

My body jolted once more when I turned my head to the door and saw someone standing there, Thoughts started to run through my head. How long had they been there? Did they see my complete panic over something falling to the ground?...

“What do you want” I snapped at the person as anger coursed through my veins, My voice had been dry making my words sound pathetic and weak.

I heard a dark chuckle escape the person at the door as they stalked over to me, Slowly pushing my body up as I clenched my jaw in pain.
I felt my arm fall limp under me at the sudden push of weight down on it, I gasped and fell back into the bed and winced as pain shot up my arm.

Feeling useless and weak I looked up from the bed glaring at the person at the door. My brain was still trying to refocus as my headache only grew, I glanced around quickly wanting to know all of my surroundings in case anything started to happen…  ‘Dammit’ I thought in my mind knowing I wouldn’t be able to escape even if I wanted to.

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I had been more injured than I realized. My arm was wrapped up from where it was bleeding earlier, My torso had been wrapped tightly with bandages and the back of my neck had band-aids on it.

“What do you want?” I snapped at the other person in the room as I saw him watch me… I glared and tried to keep myself looking strong and dependent but with all the bloody bandages and the bruises on my chest I looked like a kid after asking for something and getting denied.

I leaned back slowly trying to push myself away when he started to walk over to me using my arms and pushing down the pain, grunting and turning my head looking at a window at the end of the room… It was only for a moment that I thought of jumping out of it before I realized how dumb of an idea it was. I didn’t know how high up we were or if I could even break it if I rammed my whole body into it.

I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, My body freezing as I turned my head over and looked at him.. “What.” I was more angry now that he wouldn’t even speak to me as I slapped his hand off of my shoulder hearing the slap of skin to skin echo across the room, I shot my head up to look at him in the eyes waiting to see green eyes angrily watching me and scrutinizing my every move; But they weren’t angry.. They were calm.

I felt like I was being tricked, He was never known for his calmness he was known for being brash, murderous and unrelenting to his victims.

I shot my head away and curled up in the bed. I knew I couldn’t leave, If I tried taking a step he could kill me within seconds; a foot off this bed could be my doom… Once more I asked those words “What…” but it was weaker than before, less aggression then the other ones and I hated myself for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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