Telling Bryce....

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1 hour later Bryce is home~ 

Nessa: I'll go tell him you need him adds. 

Addison: ok thank you os much. 

Nessa: goes down stairs* hey Bryce Addison needs you upstairs in y'alls room. 

Bryce: ok.. *worried*

Addison: hey baby...

Bryce: ya? 

Addison: I wanted to tell you that I am pregnant..

Bryce: really? im so happy!!

Addison: really I thought you would be mad. 

Bryce: no of course not I would never be mad at you. 

1 month goes bye....

ok sorry I cut it short but I made 2 story today and its late so sorry im going to bed I might post another one in a few days or tomorrow who knows. 

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