Restless Night

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Ramsey let out a heavy sigh as he practically collapsed onto the bed. It had been a long day at the sheriff's office, but he had successfully helped Percy fill out most of the paperwork. It was boring work and quite exhausting, though it beat being in prison by a long shot. Matter of fact he was almost happy with the job, after all he got to help out Percy who he considered a good friend and got protection from the bounty hunter. Zora. God, last time he saw her he nearly had a heart attack, especially when his arm got cut off. He grimaced at the memory, that had to be the worst injury he had ever gotten. He was still shocked that his plan had worked, especially since he could barely remember what was on the paper. Ramsey flipped over onto his side, fluffing his pillows and closing his eyes. He was rather happy with the apartment he had gotten himself, same building as Percy. Though she was on the bottom floor and he was on the 3rd, he didn't mind. Finally, he was going to get some sleep.

At least he thought he was going to get some sleep, until he heard the sound of muffled music, which was surprisingly loud. He winced as he opened his eyes, looking towards the wall it was coming from, which was right next to his bed. Great. He grabbed the other pillow, wrapping it around his ears and trying his best to tune out the music. Safe to say it didn't work, as he could still hear it practically blaring into his ears. After a few seconds of debate he sat up, setting the pillow to the side. He reluctantly got himself out of bed, walking out of his apartment while still in his pajamas. He could've sworn he recognized the song, though it was so heavily remixed and loud he couldn't quite place where he heard it  from. Ramsey slammed on the door a few times, hoping it was loud enough to be heard over the music. The music almost instantly turned off, footsteps were heard before the door opened.
"Howdy, is there a proble—" the western accent trailed off as a woman stared at him. Ramsey took a step back, no, no it couldn't possibly be who he thought it was.
"Oh? What a surprise~" Zora mused in a sickly sweet voice as she stepped closer, still in her normal outfit. He couldn't believe his eyes, there was just no way this was happening.
"I didn't think you of all people would come 'ta visit me, how sweet." For every step he took back the woman stepped closer. He began to sweat and look around for a possible weapon of some kind, but there was nothing in the hallway to use. Before he knew it he had backed himself into the wall.
"Z-Zora!" He stuttered. "Didn't know y-ya liked loud music!" He attempted to reach into his pocket, he needed to grab his phone, if he could do that he might be able to call Percy. That is if he wasn't dead first.
"Oh, there's quite a few things ya don't know 'bout me gerbil face." She smirked at her own comment. She seemed to have noticed Ramsey reaching for something as she grabbed onto his wrist with a tight grip.
"Hey! H-Hands off the merchandise!" He shouted as he did his best to break loose, only to earn himself a knee to his private area. "L-Low blow.." He muttered as he attempted to stay standing instead of crumbling like wet paper.
"Ya call that a low blow? How about this?" And like that, a gunshot was heard.

Ramsey quickly sat up in bed, eyes widened and sweat rolling down his gerbil-like face. He knew tonight would be yet another restless one, after all he could never sleep after having a nightmare.

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