Chapter 3

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(I'm skipping the mission with Zabuza, it's basically the same, but you fight the most, and almost kill Zabuza twice)

The four of us was on a mission picking weeds. Naruto wanted to win over Sassy, so he curled up the sleeve of his shirt, but before he could do anything, you stopped him and probably saved him from a beating "Naruto, they are herbs, not weeds! They may look like weeds but they are not. Look" You held a weed next to every herb and explained which one it is, then I got to a herb that looked like the weed I was holding "This one looks like the weed I'm holding,  but there are multiple different thing on each plant. The herb has more rounded leaves and is a darker green. The other one doesn't have white flowers on it and the butterflies don't like it. Do you understand, Naruto?" I looked at him, and I was surprised that he was actually listening, but was happy anyway. After that he was picking only weed, and actually managed to win over Sassy. "See, you can win with intelligent too, not only power."I said to him and he smiled a 2000 watt smile.

We were picking up trash from the river, and there were some rocks that were slippy. Naruto was about to stop on one of them, and before I could warn him, he slipped. "HELP! HELP!" 'Can he even swim?' I thought and ran to grab his hand. Successfully I did before he fell of the waterfall and managed to drag him out of the river. "Are you okay?" I wanted to make sure that he's not hurt or anything. "I'm perfectly okay! Thank n/n!" It was enough for me, so I went back to pick up the trash "Be more careful, baka!"

Our next mission was walking dogs. Naruto picked up the biggest one, I wasn't even surprised by his actions. I whispered into his ear: "If you can't handle him, just say 'stay' or 'sit'. I can see that he's a good and smart dog. And you can simply say 'come too, he will listen, I can tell."He just grinned "Thank you, but I can manage on my own!" I sighed, knowing that it won't be like he said. I was right. The dog was dragging him like he didn't weight anything. I sent him a 'I told you so' look and made sure that he felt it. He probably did, but didn't care about it, and was dragged into the mine field. 'What are we doing next to a mine field anyways?' I sweat dropped. 'At least he's not dead.

We were walking in the village, that blue eyed blond was literally dragged by Pinky and Sassy. "Do you always have to overdo everything? " Sassy had a smug smile on his face "Hm. Do not be afraid. If you get in trouble, then I'll rescue you" The short genin was clearly pissed by those words. He freed himself from the other two's grasp "SASUKE!" Sakra put her hand in front of him to stop him. "Take back or I'll beat you flat!" Poor dad was tired of them "It looks like the team's work is out of whack." I just patted his arm. He smiled at me "At least you are trying" Naruto and Sassy were arguing and Pinky was looking horrible. The boys were having a staring contest or something. I looked up and saw an eagle(?). 'Oh, the Chunnin exams. I wonder if dad will recommend us.' "We're don for today, folks. I need to write a report to the Hokage." "Okay. And can you make sushi for dinner? I want to train my taijutsu a bit." "Hm, of course, but be back until eight." He then poofed away. I just saw that Sassy was walking away, and Pinky was facing me probably crying. Naruto tried to reassure her, but failed.

A moment later a box crawled behind Naruto. He turned his head, and was annoyed by the sight. He started walking, but the box followed him. He then ran from A point to B point and back for a while, the box behind him. He then stopped and pointed at the box " Who would fall for a rock that's angular and has two eye holes? Even a blind man would notice you!" 

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