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A/N: I've had this idea for a while now, and I think we know enough about these characters to further develop my AU's lore by means of Headcannons!

Like I said, I'm trying this out, and maybe it's horrible. But maybe you guys will like it too!

I hope this satisfies you guys while you wait for ROTP to be released, and I'm really sorry again for the long wait. That being said, I hope you guys enjoy this!



• He likes being around his family and friends. They're his drive for a lot of what he does, and most times his actions too.

• He also loves to explore the unknown. Initially, he was terrified of exploration, but in the past years he's really gained confidence from those around him.

• Will also has a bit of a sweet tooth and a weakness for anything strawberry flavored, so make sure to keep things such as Twizzlers out of his reach.

• Research on the alien robots and/or alien species. He loves it, and he thrives to do all that he can to understand any alien creature he comes into contact with better. (Let's face it, it worked with Robot, Scarecrow, and Starpelt. The boy's a genius!)

• Will loves to jam to classic rock that spans anywhere from the 80s to the 2010s. He loves something with a heavy beat, and sometimes a deep message. He most likely got this trait from spending too much time around Don.

• Will loves looking out at the stars. No matter what planet (or ship) he's on, he always finds comfort in looking to the beautiful sight of space, it often reminds him of how far he's come, and all of the people/creatures he's had the joy of meeting.


• He likes being around those that accept him for the big metal giant he is. Seeing as he's becoming his own entity day by day, he absorbs much from those around him. He prefers that data come from his family and friends.

• Robot, like Will, loves to help those in need. He'll help anyone he feels is in danger, or just having a bad day (And yes. I mean anyone). Sometimes he's a little too eager though. The Robinsons have already had 7 notices of either destruction of property and/or restraining orders for Robot. He's learned a lot though, and these complaints don't seem to stop him from helping others (That's why he's our cinnamon bun!).

• Robot likes physical forms of encouragement (such as hugs, cuddles, encouraging pats, ect...). He may look and act confident, but inside he's very sensitive, and he enjoys knowing his family's there to make things better when necessary.

• He enjoys watching the banter between the Robinson kids. They're so diverse, and Robot loves watching them together as they often give him amusement.

• Robot will often take long walks or hikes to clear his processor (emotions are very hard to deal with), and he will do this on any planet so long as he knows that it's safe for him, and Will isn't in any danger while he's gone.

• Robot likes to explore, yes. But he likes being with Will more. Viewing him as a brother, Robot savors any time spent with him, and doesn't ever dare again to take his presence for granted. Robot has enjoyed watching Will grow into an adult, so much good has come from it, and in a way, Robot grows with him.

• Robot loves to play catch, as it's a game he can play with any human willing to give him a shot. Yes, he did try baseball, but trust me that didn't end well (We just don't talk about it). Nonetheless, Robot cherishes this simple game.

• Robot likes to spend time with John, and has recently found he likes to garden as well. Having earned John's trust, he's glad to have Robot's help with things such as construction projects. When he planted a garden for the house, John let Robot work beside him. It was thanks to him that Robot learned (After a few attempts of course) how fragile terrestrial plants are, but also how they can grow into something magnificent if handled correctly.


• She likes being in authority, and appreciates it when others treat her with respect and acknowledge her role as leader, but also as a comrade.

• She likes helping others when they have moments of weakness, after being alone for so long, she'd nearly forgotten how much she could help others, but Will and Robot helped her rediscover this lost part and now although she no longer fills the position of leader, she fills the role of "the big sis" within the trio.

• She loves taking long flights and showing off her skills as she was trained so hard to know them. She loves taking midnight flights as they help clear her mind. She'll gladly take someone on her back with her, and she enjoys sensing their reaction and trust in her.

• She's found she's long had a passion for drawing her worries, her fears, just how she's feeling in general. She'll often share in this activity with Robot as it helps calm them both down. She's always seen drawing as an escape for her, as she had no one else for a long period of time.

• She LOVES (And I mean LOVES) head pats and pets. At first, she tried hard not to show how much pleasure this brought her, but once she trusted the Will and Robot completely, she no longer holds back. She finds pets from both of them to be extremely relaxing, and she'll often find herself falling asleep when done.

• Starpelt enjoys spending time with those she trusts and who accept her for herself and not her status.

• Starpelt loves to learn about the culture her creator came from and is often looks to Will with interest. She'll ask him anything, and this can spread to a wide variety of subjects.

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