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A/N: Ok! Dislikes are out! Good news though! I have finished the next chapter of ROTP, but I gotta proof read it. It'll probably be out by the end of the week! hang in there, peeps!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy!



• Will hates fighting. He always has. He'd rather try to find a diplomatic way to settle an issue, or he'll try to be the peacekeeper among his family and friends. He's filled this role many times at the risk of his own health by trying to break up Penny and Judy's fights (I mean, really. Those fights get heated quick.)

• Will hates the thought of being helpless while his friends and family are in danger, and will even push himself to the limit to help them.

• Will hates spiders. He has arachnophobia, so those little creepers scare the heck out of him. Once he found a big one in the Jupiter and let's just say that Will has a pretty decent set of pipes for that scream he released.

• He doesn't like the thought of being trapped in one place. He likes to have options and be able to have freedom to pursue said options.

• Will hates when he's taken for granted or advantage of. In the past, people have taken advantage of his big heart (We're talking about you, Smith.) and it often makes him wish that he didn't care so much about others. Well, the last time someone took advantage of Will's caring personality, Robot caught a hold of this. The matter was quickly resolved.

• Will (Contrary to popular belief) hates being in the spotlight. Unfortunately, his dealing with the alien robots and everything that happened to them makes him an inspiration to almost everyone, and often many look up to him. Will's glad that people think so highly of him, but he hates the stares and attention he gets whenever he goes anywhere with Robot (That's actually part of the reason he wanted to go on exploratory missions so bad.)

• Will has a thing for tofu, and wouldn't eat it if his life depended on it. Granted, the ones in the Jupiter packs probably aren't the best to base it off of, but Will just can't stand the thought of eating anything that tastes remotely close to tofu.


• He hates being viewed as a monster. He's tried so many times to prove himself through his actions, but still some see him as a murderer for what he's done in the past. Robot can sometimes loose himself to his past, blame, and guilt, but thankfully he has people who view him as a sentient being to help snap him out of it.

• Robot hates racism. He doesn't see why different backgrounds, skin color, or beliefs should separate a species. Granted, that doesn't exist among his kind, but he sees the diversity in humanity as a blessing, and he tries his best to defend those being treated unfairly.

• Robot, since he's connected to Will has arachnophobia. Spiders are the one thing that's smaller than Robot and will make him freeze in his tracks. Whenever spiders are even mentioned, Robot can't help as his stabilizers get jittery. Penny, being the devious big sister she is, one pulled a prank on Robot with a fake rubber spider. Let's just say, Robot nearly destroyed the house, and had to get multiple repairs after that incident.

• Robot hates seeing his family, especially Will and Starpelt upset. Will is usually so optimistic, so when he's down, it's kind of a big thing for Robot. He'll often force Will into a hug or nuzzle him while holding him close. He does the same with Starpelt. Robot knows these acts are rather intimate, more so than most like, but he does see that no matter how much they downplay it, it does work. And that's all that matters to Robot.

• Robot hates being reminded of his past. Before he got his memory back, he was somewhat mocked for his lack of remembering. The other robots would often put him down for not remembering how powerful he was. As for what happened on the Resolute, many humans who have distrust in him, or still hold a grudge over their dead loved ones blame him for it. Robot understands their viewpoint, but that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt him. Once, a mob surrounded Robot, saying horrible things about him. Robot is still thankful to this day the Robinsons were there to defend him.

• Robot really doesn't like disappointing those he cares about. He looks up to them, and he loves when he earns their approval. But, like all sentient creatures, mistakes are made, and Robot hates when he sees that he's done something wrong, but even more so to see the disappointment on their faces. Thankfully, Robot's never done anything bad on purpose, so the disappointment was always short lived.

• Robot hates to see his family hurt. They mean the world to him, and seeing them hurt means he's failed at protecting them. Robot often blames himself for situations that aren't his fault, and he often has traumatic flashbacks from the battle of Alpha Centauri.


• She hates being called a monster as well. Others that don't know her background believe she's just some overpowered alien tyrant. Starpelt tries her best to disprove this by her actions and dealings with others.

• Starpelt hates killing, hurting, or violence. The only reason she did so for so many Planet Changes was because she had no choice. Had she refused, she would have been killed, controlled, or stripped of her sentience her creator worked so hard to build. When she is forced to kill, she pays due respect to whoever was unfortunate enough to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. She even goes so far as to make a memorial for those lost, even if they're not from her faction.

• Starpelt has never liked being controlled. She's always wanted to lead her people her own way, without her superiors or The Creators looming over them and manipulating every move.

• Starpelt hates seeing power abuse, or any abuse in general. She strongly believes that those with power should help those who don't have it. Within her own faction, she was very thorough in making sure no one was abused in any way, shape, or form. If so, they would answer to her.

• Starpelt has claustrophobia, and it doesn't usually get too bad unless she has absolutely no room to move. Once, after planet change her and Robot accidentally got trapped in a cramped space, which was now more cramped because of her bigger size. It was then that they found that she hated being crammed into a tight space.

• She, like Robot and Will, hates being helpless or seeing the ones she cares about hurt. As leader, seeing this triggers an instinct inside her that leaves her unable to stand by. She'll often hurt herself so that those she cares about, or those under her rule won't suffer anymore.

• Starpelt hates being left alone. It wasn't until she spent 3 planet changes on her own, did this experience turn into something more. She tries her best not to show it, but Will and Robot seem to know her too well. Although she does hate the thought of being alone, she'll do it all again if it meant her family was safe.

• She hates being viewed as soft for her hesitation to kill. This was a big thing back when she was Leader, and although it hurt her to no end, she found a way to prove to her subjects that killing doesn't define someone's strength.


A/N: Wow, I just realized how deep Robot and Starpelt's dislikes are. Well, the two have a pretty deep past so it makes sense.

Thanks for reading, and the next theme will be acts of intimacy (Cuddles, head pats, pets).

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2022 ⏰

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