Chapter five: Group Study

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Joyce’s POV

           I was awakened by loud crashes coming from the kitchen. I reluctantly got up and checked what all the noise is about.

“Jannah?! What the hell are you doing?!” I whispered yelled in my groggy voice.

“Dax’s admirer asked me to bring food later so I was just preparing and stuff. No big deal, go back to sleep” She explained while putting cookies and mallows in a bag.

           I nodded and made my way back to my room. I looked up at my phone and saw it was just 2 in the morning. I was about to lock my phone when I saw a pending message from Liam.

From: Leeyum Payne

           Hey love, when are we gonna start doing the report and stuff? No pressure though.

To: Leeyum Payne

           TTYL… We need to start ASAP! We’ll discuss later.

After I satisfy-ly replied at him. I went back to sleep.

           I woke up at 6 in the morning by birds chirping outside my window. I stood up and stretched to unstiffen my muscles and went to shower quickly. After brushing my teeth and drying my hair. I dressed up as quickly as I could. Once I was satisfied with my look; I made my way downstairs and ate my breakfast. It was already 6:45; maybe the girls are getting ready. After 15 minutes of waiting, each and every one of them strutted down the staircase.

           Zarah is looking very gorgeous today. She’s wearing a dirty white off-shoulder shirts, green pants and beige wedges.

           Dax, I think, is dressing to impress. She’s wearing a very tight black dress that hugged her curves and her yellow heels. Her hair is in a one-sided braid style.

           Jezryll is wearing her black jeans, white shirt and leather jacket topping it off with her gray ankle boots.

           Lastly, Jannah is wearing a black crop top over her white tank top, shorts and her knee-high boots.

After eating breakfast, we all headed to school. Ugh! Another boring day.

Louis’ POV

           It’s been a month since we’ve all met. And all of us are definitely best friends. We’d always hang out and stuff. But something in the back of my mind tells me that I’m feeling something else for a certain someone. Me and Jannah were currently arguing about who’s going to be in charge for our Chemistry activity.               

“Louieh! You can’t even identify the difference between ethanol and formalin!” Jannah cried out loud. Seriously, Jannah could be a child sometimes.

“I’m in charge!!!” I said.

               After a few minutes of arguing, I finally won and was in charge.

“You only won because you bribed the teacher!” She exclaimed.

“No I did not; she just likes me better than you!” I replied. She stuck her tongue at me.

              Okay, sometimes, Jannah is so adorable. It’s like everything’s perfect about her. Her hair, her eyes, evens her dimpled smile. Why am I gushing over her? Do I adore her? I hope not, I just really see her as my sister that’s all, or does it?

              After an hour of torture, we finally survived chemistry, except that we failed the activity. Jannah refused to talk to me since we were given another special project.

“C’mon Ann… TALK TO ME PLEASE!!!” I whined.

“What do you want?” She shouted.

“I’m sorry okay… you were right I shouldn’t have been left in charge” I admitted.

“Fine! But we’ll work on the library later… Okay?” She finally gave in.

“Okay!” I replied happily.

              Seriously! I can’t stand it every time she gives me the ‘Silent Treatment’ I can’t last a day without talking to her. We headed our separate ways. She went to Biology class; I went to my Geography class. Geography’s not that bad, but unfortunately, I’m stuck with Alex and her slutty friends for a whole hour! As I entered the room and went to my usual seat. She sat beside me and her slutty friends sat around me, so basically, I’m surrounded.

“Hi Louis” She purred.

“Hey…” I replied scooting away from her.

“We have a party later, you and your friends could come and we can do something fun!” She winked at me. YUCK! I feel like I’m about to throw up.

“Sorry but I kinda have other plans” I said.

               For the first time in my whole existence, I was glad that the teacher entered the room. At least Alex stop blabbering over some things.

               At the moment, I was zoning out but only one-and-one face only kept popping out of my mind.

Jannah’s smiling face. Am I falling for her?!

Zayn’s POV

               At Last! The day is over but we still have to stay, we have group works to finish. We, the Lads, and the girls are currently in the music room discussing the arrangements and stuff.

“I think we should all separate so the boys can’t fool around and so that we can finish faster” Dax suggested.

“Right! Then we will all meet here once we’re done!” Jezryll added.

“I’m going in the Math room together with Niall, we’re gonna finish the problems our teacher gave us” Dax started.

“Well, since Louis let us fail in our Chemistry activity, we’re heading to the library to finish our special project” Jannah said.

“Me and Liam will be at the laboratory, we’ll have to dissect another frog” Joyce suggested.

“Zarah and I will finish painting in the Art Room” I butted in.

“I guess you two should l go to the Geography Room” Louis said pertaining to Harry and Jezryll.

“Great! Now that we have settled everything, I guess it’s time to go and start studying or we won’t be able to finish it on time!” Jezryll said.

              I stood up and brushed the dirt in my pants. I held out a hand to help Zarah stand up. There it is again! SPARKS erupting everywhere. For the past weeks, I’ve been feeling them every time Zarah’s skin brushes against mine. Everything felt right yet still so wrong. Am I… Wait NO! It couldn’t be! I’m not falling for her… or am I?

Liam’s POV

               I’m in the Lab with Joyce. We’re now dissecting a very large bullfrog. It’s really scary by the way.

“Liam, it’s budging! Put alcohol in its nose!” She instructed. I simply nodded and obeyed.

              We were examining it for a minute when the lights started to flicker. Okay, this is creepy! What if there’s a murderer out there or aliens?! What if they abduct us!

“Liam, calm down… there are no aliens okay?” Joyce reassured holding back a smile.

               Did I say that out loud?! Embarrassing moment number… umm… ONE! Ugh! What’s wrong with me?

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