⩚The Tavern ⩚

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//Your POV//

The Moon shone down on the streets as you and your best friend, Venti made your ways to the tavern. Venti pulled you along eagerly, as you hesitantly followed. You couldn't believe you were letting him take you along tonight. You hated when he would go off and get drunk, and then end up wherever and make a fool of himself.

He held onto your wrist as he basically bounced to the tavern. Once you two had entered you could see it was actually pretty busy today. Another unfortunate factor. Venti made his way to the bar where Diluc was on shift tonight. He had his long red hair tied back in a high pony tail as he mixed a drink for another customer before looking over to see who had just arrived. He sighed once he saw Venti and pulled out a glass. It wasn't until he looked back up at Venti to ask what he wanted that he noticed you were there too. He raised an eyebrow and you rolled your eyes, gesturing to Venti.

"I'm here to make sure this one gets home" You explained, trying to hide the annoyance in your voice.

The red eyed male behind the counter chuckled and nodded.

"Makes sense. Venti, the usual?" He asked, turning back to Venti who nodded with a smile.

You found a seat beside Venti at the bar and let your eyes scan the room. There were a few people in every section of the tavern. A seemingly larger group in the main area, in front of the bar. It was pretty loud and you only hoped Venti would make it quick, though that was pretty doubtful.

It wasn't long before Venti began to let loose and got off his seat.

"Comeee Y/n! lets dance or somethinggg" He said, shaking you by the shoulder, to which you shook your head.

You watched as he bounced off to mingle with random people. How could he be so careless? Diluc took notice and moved back over to you.

"Are you alright? Do you want anything?" He asked, making you jump as he had startled you.
You shook your head at the offer.

"No thanks, you know I don't like alcohol Diluc. I'll be over there if Venti asks." You said, getting off the bar stool, and gesturing to the tables off to the side of the bar.

Diluc nodded in understanding and went back to manning the bar as you made your way over to a picnic bench to sit.

For a few minutes, you rested your head on your hand, propped up by your elbow, and watched Venti, making sure he didn't disappear or get himself into trouble. He seemed to be making friends, so you decided to put your head down.

The amount of time that passed was unclear.

Suddenly, the bench shook and you looked up to see an orange haired individual had sat on the other side of the table, his back to you. Though they hadn't seemed to notice you, you recognized them imediatly by the hair, and the laugh.


You sat up and rubbed your eyes, the movement catching Childe's eye. He looked back, and seemed sort of suprised to see you.
What was he doing here in Mondstadt? You wondered to yourself as he turned around to face you.

He jumped off the seat and walked over to the other side of the table to sit beside you. Kicking back in the seat as he sat down he looked over at you again.

Then you noticed the next thing. He reeked of alcohol.

"Hey Y/n! What are you doing here?" He asked, his voice heavy as he placed an arm on the table beside you.

He was a bit too close for comfort as he spoke, and your face scrunched up with the smell that radiated off of him. You hated the alcohol scented breath.

"I'm here with a friend" You stated, uncomfortably moving back on the bench, although you were nearly on the edge of it already.

"Why are you all alone?" He continued, his presence almost suffocating.

"I prefer it that way- Now if you'll excuse me-" You snapped, standing from your seat to leave, only to run into someone's chest.

"Woah- why the hurry?" A familiar voice asked, as you backed up and looked up to see Mondstadt's one and only cavalry captain standing there, a glass in his hand.

You looked back to see Childe's smug smile had faded at the sight of Kaeya's arrival.
Kaeya placed his arm around you and leaned over to smile at Childe.

"Is this fatui crap bothering you?" he asked, looking cheerfully intimidating as he said it.

His breath passed by your neck, slightly brushing it, sending a shiver down your neck as you sensed the faint smell of alcohol on the captain's breath as well.
It wasn't as prominent as Childe's was, but he had definitely had some, if the glass in his hand wasn't enough of a give away already.

"Your the one bothering us" The Ginger Fatui stated, seemingly annoyed now.

You shot a look over to he bar, hoping Diluc would notice your predicament.
Thankfully, Diluc looked up at the same time you had, and your eyes met for a breif second, before you looked back at Childe, who had risen.

Both Childe and Kaeya were taller than you by a few inches.
Kaeya's arm never left your shoulders as he pulled you closer to him, as if to sheild you from Childe.

You were plenty aware that Kaeya didn't trust Childe for a second. He hated the fatui.

As Kaeya's grip got firmer, you grit your teeth and put a hand on his arm, shooting him a look he didn't notice. Tartaglia stepped closer, his arms out to the side and began to speak, but was cut off by another voice.

"Enough you two. Hands off Y/n. Now." Diluc demanded firmly, glaring daggers at the two males.

Kaeya looked down at Y/n and took notice, and quickly let go with a guilty chuckle.

"Apologies Milady" he said without moving.

Tartaglia on the other hand, instantly took a step back and put his hands up, surrendering as I left Kaeya's side to stand by Diluc, slightly behind him.

"Stop bothering people. Get out if your too drunk to handle yourselves." He sneered at the boys before looking back at you.

Childe stalked off, and Kaeya looked back at his glass, finishing the last bit of it that was still in the glass before turning and wandering somewhere else.

"You okay?" Diluc asked, earning a nod from you.

"I should go find-" You started before you stopped.

"Heyyyyyy! Your really pretttyyy! *hic* Do I know you from someplace...?" Venti slurred, approaching You and Diluc.

You sighed and Diluc was watching Diluc, biting the inside of his cheek.

"I guess I don't have to find him anymore.. but, I should get him home." You said, editing your sentence.

You grit your teeth as you basically had to drag him away from the tavern.

"Awwwww - can't we stay a lil *hic* longerrr? Pleaseee? oo look a bubbler fry!" Venti complained, getting distracted by a firefly dancing around in the street.

"Venti, you have to stop drinking this heavy." You cursed, mostly to yourself, not that he would pick up anything you said.

"The Show must go ONnnnn! *hic*" He suddenly bellowed, before he began singing randomly, dancing around as you held him by the arm.

₪ Word Count: 1245 ₪

 Hope you enjoyed this chapter lovelies :))
Don't forget to get some water and sleep soon!

⪦The Cavalry Captain - Kaeya x Fem! Reader ⪧Where stories live. Discover now