⩚The Balcony⩚

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(Little TW: Childe does get a little pushy with you at some point in this chapter)

// Still Your POV//

You and Venti neared the place he stayed and you saw to it that he made it inside. You prepared him a glass of water and basically had to force him to get into bed.

"Drink." You ordered, holding out the water.

Venti merely looked up at you with glazed over eyes.

"Ehe- your funny. Pretty.." he said, seemingly in a daze.

You rolled your eyes and pressed the glass up to his lips and tipped the glass. He seemed to understand at least that, and swallowed the cool liquid.

"mm, that's a lot nicer-" He mumbled after he'd drank nearly half the glass and you took it from him.

"I would hope so" You murmured, leaving the room and refilling the glass.

Once you returned to the room, Venti was already passed out on the bed. You placed the glass of water on the bedside table and pulled the covers over him, moving the hair from his face with a sigh.

"Your such an idiot." You whispered. You were almost mad at him. How irresponsible he was when he drank..

You quickly left the house, locking the door behind you with the spare key Venti had entrusted to you.

Instead of returning to the tavern, or making the journey home right away, you decided to take a breather.
You needed some fresh air, so you began to walk through the quiet streets of Mondstadt. You tried to brush off the gross feeling the alcohol ridden air had put on you.
The cool air bit at your face as you continued walking in the direction of the Angels Share Tavern again.

"Oh hey Girly" A voice called.

You stopped in your tracks. You knew that voice too well.
Turning, you saw Childe was leaning against a wall nearby.

You let out a 'tch' before beginning to continue walking.

You didn't get very far before you felt a hand on your wrist stop you. You whipped around again, but before you could speak, the harbinger pulled you off into a nearby street alley and turned to face her again.

"Let go of me Childe." You demanded, an unsafe feeling settling around you.

His breath still reeked as he held your wrist.

"I just wanna talk N/n-" He said with a little smile, and puppy eyes.

"Tartaglia. Let go." You demanded again, as he stepped closer to you.

"Please Y/n" He pleaded, his voice heavy.
He wasn't acting as he usually was.
You tried to step back again, but quickly found yourself hitting the wall of a building.

"Ajax. back off." You ordered, all sense of security and confidence withering as he drew closer again.

Before you could say anything else, his lips crashed with yours. Instantly you shoved him away from you and he stumbled, nearly falling.

"YOU'RE DRUNK YOU BASTARD-" You screamed, tears forming as you wiped your mouth.

You hated what alcohol did to people. You cursed Childe in your head as you ran from the scene toward the tavern again.
Before entering, you stop at the door, catching your breath and wiping your face, hoping no one would see you.

Taking a deep breath, you opened the door and avoided eye contact with Diluc, although you could feel his gaze on you as you hastily passed him and made your way up the stairs to the second level of the Tavern.

As you made your way to the balcony you tried to steady your breathing.
You opened the door and stepped out onto the balcony and let the door close behind you before looking up from the ground with a breath.

When you looked up, your eyes were met with the sharp blue of Kaeya's. Upon meeting his gaze, you turn on your heels, reaching for the door again.

"Y/n." He called, making you stop.

"Stay a while.." He requested softly.

You looked back to see he had gone back to admiring the view and you swallowed and walked over to stand beside him. He leaned over the railing, resting his elbows on it and looked up at the sky.

You did the same and were met with a beautiful sight. The stars glistened above you and the moon shone brightly with a soft hue, lighting the land a cool blue.
After a minute of admiring the skies, you turned to look at Kaeya again to meet his eyes again for a brief moment.

How long had he been looking at you? You couldn't help but wonder before looking back up at him.

"You know, you're pretty cu-" He started with an innocent looking smile.

You tensed and bit your tongue before cutting him off.

" tch'- Don't. You're drunk. Don't say shit you'll regret later. I don't want to hear it-" You began through gritted teeth before Kaeya put his finger to your lips to stop you from speaking.

He chuckled and took his finger away again.

"I wouldn't regret it. And besides, I've only had 3 drinks! They were small ones too!" he defended himself.

"Three glasses too many" you grumbled, earning another chuckle from Kaeya.

 ₪ Word Count: 863 ₪

 Thank you for reading my loveliess - sorry about Childe - But its plot for you -v-
    Anyways, don't forget to get some water and sleep eventually!

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