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Never have I EVER heard more shouting and clapping for me. Applause was echoing around the whole hall. Not to toot my own horn but like come on...I have to.

It was amazing and as soon as Minerva stole the hat back from my head I went to the Gryffindor table.

"We've got Potter and Phoenix" For some reason they were shouting my middle name, not my last name but it was enough for my confidence to boost up. I smiled to myself and shook some people's hands and couldn't wait for the food to appear and dig my head in.

Going good so far. "I'm happy your with us" Harry smiled the other half of the kilometer long. I flashed him a smile and laughed for myself. "Same! We are going to be the most famous trio."

"Keep dreaming Ron. But I want another girl to join us" I suggested. I already had a girl in mind. The bushy girl with those amazing curls (if you have curls MARRY ME RN). But I knew Ron didn't want to hear about it. They both knew which girl I meant and quickly said.


"Whatever" I rolled my eyes. The chatement soon broke down and Minerva tapped a glass cup with a golden spoon. Everybody faced the professors. Minerva had a strange smile on her face. So she wanted me to be in Gryffindor. I knew it didn't matter for them what house I would be in but....I think they are happy with this.

Grandfather stood up, fixed his robe and announced. "Let the feast begin!"

With his hands like magic he summoned all of the food in front of us.

I was used to this but I never sat behind the table knowing I am finally going to study here. Its going to be interesting to say the least.

-Time skip in your own room (not in Gryffindor room)-

"You know...I kind of expected myself to be in Gryffindor" I told my pet who was comfortably laying on my old bed. I had prepared everything to be replaced in my own dorm. The things I could take by hand I rather took because I didn't know who would take my things...and when.

"Ready to go?" I asked, pushing inside the bag the last of the things I needed. Mainly my bag consisted of my large collection of necklaces which could not be forgotten. Or bed sheets and pillows. And my clothing of course.

I closed the room I spended my last 11 years in and said my last goodbye. I didn't like the room much. It was fairly small because it was only me living here but that was still better than nothing of course.

My pet was guiding my way and I laughed. "You know me and you are going to have a lot of..ugh" I groaned. One of my bags slipped off of my finger and fell right on the ground. "You have got to be kidding me." I rolled my eyes. Thankfully no one was here because...

"Excuse me?" I heard a deep voice say behind me.

Fuck...Inside i prayed for it not to be anybody that could remember this night and make fun of me whole year.

I looked up and

"Oh hey Cedric" Okay not the worst nor the best. I smiled lightly before standing up. "Yeah um the bags just slipped off from my.."

Without even asking him...he didn't hesitate twice and picked up my bags. Wow wow wow well would you look at that.A gentleman.

"Oh I can take this one" I said before he picked up the last bag. Since the collection of necklaces were in them. He picked up anyway so I didn't have to bend down and passed the bag to me.

"Huh, your pet?" He laughed and looked at my pet. I almost forgot about him. "Oh yeah sorry" I realized that it was kind of bothering him.

"Thank you Cedric...a lot. Anyway, can I repay you?" Of course I meant a date with him. He was my childhood crush. But he was like 3 years older than me. And..no he wasn't more popular lol.

"Um yeah there is one thing for me" He said thinking about it. I raised my eyebrows and prepared myself for whatever he was about to suggest. "Ask McGonagall to not fail me this year."

He smiled and walked away from the entrance of the Gryffindor common room. "Password?"

Well the one and only Cedric Diggory just helped me and saw my bags fall down right on the pavement but I guess it was worth it.


"Oh shut it you know I am a Gryffindor." I said a turning sound looking at the painting sternly. She just rolled her eyes and swung open the painting for me to enter. I grin from ear to ear that it actually worked. I got back to walking like a penguin. The bags were heavy...I was just tired.

I groaned halfway up the stairs. Wasn't there a spell for anything for this. Levitation could work but I was not in the mood for anything. See you can call me lazy...but I know I am lazy.

I stopped before the dorm I was supposed to be in. I just rested my head on the door faintly saying. "let me in please" It almost sounded like an actual cry.

Somebody actually heard my cry from the other side and opened the other. "Thank you kind savior" I thanked sarcastically of course.

"Its lavender...and no problem. She responded sweetly. She even suggested to pick up my bags but it was fine already.

"Damn you had to walk a lot"

Oh if they only knew who helped me.

-Time skip to transfigurations-

Living here for the past 11 years learned me to be thankful because other people my age didn't know the way around this castle. Like Harry and Ron.

We were 20 minutes to the class already and they barged into the classrooms catching their breath.

"Few we made it" Ron out of breath said to Harry.

Unlucky for them...lucky for us we had something to laugh on but Mcgonagall was turned into its tabby cat.

"Can you imagine the look on McGonagall's face if we were late." Ron reminded Harry of how it would be. Basically how it is. "Ron shut it rather" I advised him and right after, McGonagall turned into her normal view as a person.

Their jaws were on the floor. Mine was too and I had the same experience with it. McGonagall caught me talking shit about her in her cat form but she maybe has forgotten about it.

"That was bloody brilliant," Ron said, making the situation better by saving himself. "Well thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps it would be more useful if I turned you and Mr. Potter to a clock?" McGonagall with her humor suggested sarcastically to them.

"We got lost," Harry said, making up an excuse for both of them. "Then perhaps a map. I trust you don't need one to find your seats."

And after that they quickly sat down at their assigned place. A map around Hogwarts could be a great investment"


Okay no more chapter today Im sorry but I am really tired. Tommorow I have a rough day so i will see you tommorow. 

Make sure to vote and comment! 

-Potterxduck 🐥 

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