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Chatterment was filling the whole room. I was sitting right next to Harry while we were waiting for Snape to enter as he was sort of running late but...we all have our days right?

The doors swung open and as Snape walked by with his long coat halfway floating in the air he was almost like yelling "there will be foolish wand waving or silly incantations in this class"

He turned around facing all of us. Everybody knows that this subject will be troublesome. Nobody was sure if this was his first appearance for all of us but everybody rather stayed quiet. "As such...I don't expect any of you to appreciate the science and the exact art of potion making...As such the selected few...." He turned to eye Malfoy but didn't seem to look at me.

Just as I overthinked he side eyed me and I smirked to myself. I was always his favorite and in my spare time I helped him make even the hardest potion. "I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and snare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame. Brew glory and even how to stop a death"

He was strictly telling us the magical things a small liquid in glass form can do. Many students side-eyed their partner in seats if they heard right. "Then again...some of you have come to Hogwarts for possession in an ability so far minimal to feel confident enough..."

Oh no...I looked at Harry and he was writing nonsense in his notebook with the ink and quill I borrowed from him. God Harry uses the ink for something better. "To not pay...attention"
Harry's mind still didn't click. I kicked his leg under the seats looking at me weirdly. I side eyed Snape to point out he is talking about him. Harry quickly turned around and faced the almost red professor impatient waiting for him. "Mister Potter...our new celebrity" Snape leaned himself on the white pillar.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows at the name "celebrity". I know Snape and I know he usually doesn't act like this. And he knows darn well Harry didn't ask for his name to be famous.

"Tell me Potter, what would I add asphodel and wormwood into a potion?" He asked. Hermione's hand shot up in the air. I knew this. But it didn't seem fair. Sure Harry could look in the books of potions but he would really have to remember it like a poem.

"I- i don't know sir." Harry replied. Of course he doesn't know. Who would know...well except me of course.

"Well clearly fame isn't everything. Let's try again Potter, where would you look if I told you to get a bezoar?" Again just as he asked that Hermione's hand shot up in the sky. In my mind Hermione seemed annoying. I'm sorry.

Then again I wanted to help Harry badly but Snape was too close to us. I tried to. I covered my mouth and looked away so Snape wouldn't see me talking. "In goats stomach" I whispered loudly enough for him to hear.

"In a goat's stomach" Harry replied repeating what I have told him. "Of course you know if Y/n helped you." He rolled his eyes. "Miss Dumbledore thank you for that kind savior of your friend for that... 5 points to Gryffindor."

I couldn't believe my ears...points to Gryffindor...that's good. But from Snape...unbelievable. I felt proud of myself more than ever. I knew that this had to be done someday..but the first day of potions.

I feel like a queen. Harry smiled at me happily, totally ignoring the fact that he got yelled at by a teacher.

Once the class was done we exited the dungeons and went to lunch. After lunch we will have Flying lessons which I couldn't wait for.

Flying on my broom was my favorite so far. "i didn't like that"

"I did," I simply said, smiling to myself. "of course you did Y/n. You're the only Gryffindor I think Snape likes. Bloody hell. Bezoar..what is a bezoar? How am I supposed to know?" Harry asked, looking at me. As if it was my problem. "Ay come on. Just because my grandad is the headmaster doesn't mean I have exceptions..I know this because of my practise" I simply answered. It was right though.

If they expected their life to be like a knife on a butter they were totally wrong. This was Hogwarts. You have to have enemies here and there.

"Eye of water heart of throne turn this water into rum"

He looked inside and nothing. "Eye of water heart of throne turn this water into rum"

"Seamus!" I looked at him sternly. He is trying to turn the water into rum but it isnt working for him and he just can't seem to give up. I groaned and he looked at me.

"You have to give it a swish before saying rum" I advised him. "See. Eye of water, heart of throne. Turn this water into rum" I swished my wand. The water changed its texture and I showed it to Seamus.

"Oh okay thanks" He smiled and looked back at his glass ready to try again. "eye of water.." Before even swishing the water and glass exploded. Literally I can't make this up. Poor boy was totally covered in ashes and was too stunned to speak. Everybody chuckled a little. I totally ignored the fact that it was practically me who made the water explode but...hey not my fault he didn't do it right.

Right after Seamus, with a boy I thinked was called, Thomas left for the hospital wing because we didn't know if he could get seriously hurt.

"Oh look mails here" Ron pointed out looking at the roof of the Great hall. Some owls entered and flowed across and Neville got a package.

"Hey look Nevilles got a rememball" Some boy pointed out. Everybody turned to look at Neville. "oh yeah they turn red when you have forgotten about something" I gave information about the small gadget. Everybody ohh and looked at it more closely.

The gadget soon turned red. "The problem is. I don't know what I forgot" The poor boy smiled. I noticed something. "Neville...your robe" I pointed out.

He looked at himself and gasped. "Oh my God. Thank you Y/n"


I'm so so sorry yesterday's chapter was not it. I was so tired and I went yesterday to perform with my flute so yeah. I don't know if I will write another chapter today. I think I will push myself to do one.

Thank you so much we are almost at 100 reads ahhhh!

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