A Nest I Call Home

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-not again...- she sighed -let's get you clean up- they added while taking my arm and gently picking me out of a hole in the dirt I dug myself into and then proceeded to fall asleep in, In my half-asleep state I mumbled back -but it's cozy- followed by a big yawn and a ridiculous attempt to reach the hole with my hand -I don't know how you can find dirt COZY- she replayed with disgust and concern, I relent knowing exactly where we were headed I just really wanted to sleep, she made me shower and change cloths I was then taken to an empty room and left there, I started kicking the bed frame I don't understand why won't they just leave me alone! suddenly I heard her footsteps -you have to do something she will never find a home if she keeps behaving like a wild animal- I knew it was true because that was the very reason every family who tried to adopt me immediately brought me back, but could you blame them though they were here to adopt a child not a pet still it didn't make it less painful, the foot steps stoped -it is okay I can handle it my self thanks for your concern- then the door creacked open -hi miss Camilla- I muttered still looking down at my feet -hi Nisrin- she calmly sat on a bed -why don't you take a sit- I couldn't take a step it wasn't fear but guilt and shame that had bolted me to the floor, I looked around before finally taking the place next to her -it still amazes me how you can recognize people without seeing them- she chuckled that made me smile a little -so- here we go back to serious town -I heard that you were napping on the yard again can you tell me why?- it felt like home But how could I possibly tell her? how could I tell the woman that took care of me since I was an infant that her "home" didn't feel like home to me but a freaking hole in the dirt does!... So I lied...kinda -I don't know- I stalled a bit -it just feels nice and warm I guess- I glanced at her, she seemed in deep thought, oh no did I say too much? did she catch on? I didn't want to offend her -ummm I see- she suddenly said still wrapped in her thoughts, I was so confused -it looks like some sort of need or instinct how about we found a cleaner and safer alternative? what do you say?- she added well that's one way to put it but very accurate -well the doctor warned me this would happen since your...- here we go again same old story stupid doctor couldn't keept his mouth shut, since that day it has been a plethora of "how do you feel Nisrin" or "let's find a better solution to your needs" and the classic "she can't help it!" it's sickening, at the very least I know what's wrong with me with is more than most people can say, symptoms may include but are not limited to: freakishly good hearing and smell, giving people heart attacks at night because of my night vision but barely seeing a inch from my nose during the day, with is the reason why I landed at the hospital in the first place, turns out that I had naturally blue slit pupils a few more tests later and boom my life changed forever and, I let her finish her speech nodding along and answering the occasionals questions she sprinkled here and there -I guess I'll leave I'm sure you could use some time to yourself to clear your mind- she then stood up and softly carresed my cheek before ultimately getting out, here I am alone again might as well finish what I started and take a nap, I curl up in to a ball tucking my tail between my legs and swiftly drift back to sleep.

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