What do you mean butterflies can bite!

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I quietly and slowly sit up and around me are now rows and rows of about twenty sleeping kids, I look at those sleeping faces and can't help feeling jealous they seem so at peace would it be wishful thinking to hope that maybe one day I would look as peaceful as them? I tip-toe to the bay window just in front of me, the moon is beautiful tonight perfect for a bit of night fly, I keep looking at the moon at this time of the night, which is quite boring since I can't really leave my room, and believe me I tried but one time when they were checking the room they didn't find me and were was I? in the courtyard running and flying around without a care in the world, but from there on the security got tighter so no more moonlight walks for me, a glimmer on the corner of the window caught my eye a little fluorescent butterfly is the cause of that huh? a butterfly? It was black and blue but the most prominent details were the two glowing half circles on both of it's wings -you are alone too uh here let me help you - I whispered at that moment the butterfly started to shine even more and before I could open the widow it was already on my arm, I don't know how it did but there it is I bring my finger to it and pick it up -how di- a pinch cough me off guard wait what! did it really...did I...did  I get bitten by a butterfly?! My arm felt like it was on fire but at the same time I felt paralyzed I couldn't scream the last thing I saw before passing out was those beautiful blue iridescent wings coming for my face. Uugh what a headache I suddenly joilt up I look at my hand trying to find any sign of an insect bite but...nothing I sigh in relief - it was just a nightmare- "I WILL BE IF YOU DON'T LET ME OUT THIS SECOND!" Ouch, my ears! that scream I felt it through my brain -EHY! NOT FUNNY Come on guys I just woke up!- my vision was still foggy it wouldn't be the first time for one of the kids to play this kind of prank, strange I don't smell anyone nor do I hear any footsteps I groan whatever! I massage my temple and finally get out of bed, worst alarm ever! I take my glasses and start changing then a knock it was Miss Camilla -can I come in?- she sweetly asked with a pinch of apprehension -just a moment miss Camilla- I frantically answered, I quickly put on my pants I can finish getting ready later but I wanted to at least be decent -all done!- I let miss Camilla in -how are you today? you really gave me a fright yesterday you know- she emphasized putting a hand to her chest -I...- I paused great what did I do this time the day hasn't even started yet! get it together Nisrin! "wow girl you have real mental issues girl" that voice again I look behind miss Camilla and, yep it's only her and me, Miss Camilla looks at me worried -is everything okay? you can tell me- she warmly smiled crouching down reaching my eye level nope that's a problem for future Nisrin, but beyond these hallucinations nothing comes to mind whatever it was I better apologize -I'm so sorry miss- I replied averting my eyes -it's okay I'm sure it was a mistake you probably just feel asleep on the bay window and fell- she said trying to find a reasonable explanation but for me it simply confirmed what happened yesterday, my face must have shown it because miss Camilla immediately started to reassure me -ehy it's okay don't worry I was just scared cause I though you hurted yourself- if only she knew -I know what will fix this I left some pancakes for you they always cheer you up she added putting her hand on my shoulder for extra soothing, her scent brought me back to Mobius, I franticly dismiss her swearing up and down that yes everything was fine and that I will be joining the others for breakfast soon I was basically pushing her out, I close the door and finally i feel like i can breath again what just happened...WHY DID I PUSH HER OUT SHE COULD HAVE HELPED! guilt, guilt was the answer I couldn't bring myself to burden her anymore. I slowly make my way to the bathroom I brush my teeth so it was all real huh I look on the mirror as a flash of yellow covered my eyes I froze before panicking splashing my face with water, no no no what the heck was that! I hesitantly open my eyes and...they were the same as usual I inspect them once more, all normal not a spec out of place, and yet why I cant help but feel uneasy, i finish my morning routine and get down for breakfast pancakes here I come.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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