Becoming Atlantian [5]

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Chapter 5

Aubrey awoke with a gasp; her head was resting on something warm that rose and fell in time with the sound of breathing that was issuing just above her head. She froze. She had never been in such close confinements with a man and she felt as if she had been buried alive, literally with the overwhelming male presence next to her. Looking up she realised that she recognised the face and took her several moments before the frown that had formed on her face smoothed out.

“Tiberius,” she whispered as she shook his shoulders and after a groan he rolled his head down to look at her before lifting his arm so that he could glance at some strange watch that was on his arm.

“Wow you really are something else, you’re awake a day early, I don’t think that has ever happened before.” The sound of his husky voice that still held the remnants of sleep startled Aubrey so much that she jumped and smacked her head on Tiberius chin.

“Ow sorry,” she murmured bringing her hand up to rub the back of her head and then looking up at him between her lashes, watching as he brought his hand up to rub his chin before a rumbling laugh came from beneath he head cause her whole body to shake from the movement.

“It’s okay little one. We just have to wait until they let us out, hopefully they will check on us in a few hours but for now we just need to sit and wait.” Tiberius stared up at the thin layer of crystal that was covering the hole they were in. It was frosted but let in enough light so that they could see which was handy because usually you are let out as soon as you wake up but this time Tiberius and Aubrey were in for the long haul.

“Hours?” Aubrey squeaked shifting slightly before realising where her hand was. She quickly pulled it back with another squeak, her face blushing red when she realised that she had been copping a feel of Tiberius’ pecks and she hadn’t even realised it.

Tiberius glanced at her bright red face and laughed even harder. Aubrey smacked him on his chest but then quickly pulled her hand back when she realised where she was touching. She held her hands closely to her chest so that there was no chance of her accidentally brushing him again. The two of them quietened down but Aubrey found her legs shaking and is she had been sitting she was sure that her foot would be tapping incessantly on the floor.

“Tiberius?” Aubrey’s voice started getting squeakier as her pulse spiked and her foot continued tapping. “Can we get out of here, I really don’t like sitting still, I feel like I need to run.”

He glanced down at her and let out a laugh. “You’re overcharged,” he took her hand and grasped it tightly in his, instantly feeling his own body become more energised and alert as her leg slowed its bouncing before stopping all together and she slumped forwards slightly so that her head fell upon his shoulder and she let out a breath of relief.

“That reminded me of the time that I drank too much coca cola but a hundred times worse.” Aubrey said with a laugh burying her head into his shoulder slightly as she tried to get comfortable. It was kind of difficult because of the cramped space and she felt a blush rise to her cheeks every time she noticed that more than an inch of her body was touching his, which at the moment there were quite a few inches.

Tiberius laughed and shook his head before stopping abruptly and frowning. He glanced and the petite girl in his arms and slowly the frown disappeared as he mumbled some words before turning his head away.

“What was that?” she questioned peering up at him curiously. He shook his head no but she poked him in the cheek. “Tell me Mister, you started it. If you didn’t want me to question you then you shouldn’t have mumbled something in the first place. Besides, you actually seem pretty nice at the moment; I get the feeling that the moment we get out of this box you are going to go back to being all macho, no emotion and no laughing mode which to be quite frank with you Mister Maximus, is not a good look for you.” She smiled at the end of the sentence so that he wouldn’t take offence knowing whilst her hands itched to cover her mouth at the fact that she had even had the guts to say that to him.

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