Becoming Atlantian [19]

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Chapter 19

After the startling realisation that there was something seriously wrong with the figurehead of the Atlantians, things had progressed rather slowly for Aubrey. Because of their commitments, they weren’t able to leave in that very moment and instead she was forced to be winded and dined by the Trojan elite. It came to the red heads attention that many of the dinner guests were looking her out of the corner of their eyes and some were even eyeing Tiberius with trepidation when he had decided he would not be removed from the young woman’s presence.

“We’ll make a move before first light. We must head back to Atlantis, sooner rather than later.” Tiberius informed his charge as he casually leant across the table to retrieve the jug of wine that was sitting before the young woman.

He was trying to remain casual as there was already enough disruption within the city of troy with Aubrey’s presence. His code of conduct told him that no one else must be discovered. They were supposed to be omnipotent and yet invisible. The people would rebel and hunt the Atlantians if they knew that they were behind the scenes pulling the strings. It had happened in the future, or in Aubrey’s past. It couldn’t happen again, Tiberius assured himself. It wouldn’t happen again.

Thus, with nerves unsettling her stomach, Aubrey spent another two hours being wined and dined like some freak in a show. It was not that she was ungrateful for the attention. Actually, that was exactly it. She had spent most of her life as someone invisible and now she was expected to be something amazing and strong as she sat there in the limelight- quite literally as the torches were brighter around her seat and every gaze strayed to her being every other second. It was horrifying to someone who had never thrived on attention but she reminded herself that it was temporary and soon she would be going back to Atlantis – away from these prying eyes and back to her sanctuary so she could complete her training.

The red head sighed loudly drawing more attention to her. A few frowned and then began to whisper to the neighbours behind their palms. The ruler of troy however, dragged his attention away from his grandchild which he had been doting upon only moments before. Then, settling his gaze upon the fiery haired woman he offered her a grandfatherly smile.

“Are you quite well young lady?”

Aubrey hesitated but got a sharp dig in the ribs when she paused too long. Her breath hissed from her mouth and tears formed in her eyes as she tried to breathe through the pain. It wasn’t working so she just shook her head in the universal sign of ‘no’ and offered the older man apologetic smile.

“Not to worry my dear, I will have one of the servants to escort you to a room.” He waved his hand and a woman immediately stepped forwards, making a big show to bow before the king.

The young Atlantian took the Trojan king’s distraction to her advantage and stomped her foot down onto Tiberius’ sandaled feet causing him to yelp out in pain. Ignoring the glare now being sent her way, the young woman made a huge show of clearing her throat to cover the groaning and instead pushed to her feet.

“I must apologise, it’s been a long day and I fear I must retire before exhaustion takes me completely.” The red head offered the king a sweet smile that had the old man grinning down at her in a way she hadn’t been looked at since she was a child.

Her hand absently runs over her heart before she nods at the serving girls who had come over to assist and followed her from the room. This was all done under the ever watchful eye of Tiberius who made sure to hiss out a few words to her before allowing her to leave the room.

Thus it was in the last hour of darkness before the dawn, which truly was the darkest hour of the night, when Aubrey crept from her room. In the almost complete blackness, she stumbled her way towards the main building of the palace that overlooked the city. She had no idea where to Tiberius, he hadn’t really specified and she only hoped that she could find her way to him before their time ran out. All she wanted was to go home. She guessed that dying and almost being burnt alive on a pyre was enough to put her own mortality into perspective -- even if it did appear that she was immortal.

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