Already said this once and this will be the last

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So I'm actually about to leave to Mexico but I've obviously just woken up I've been finishing up packing and everything and I log into Wattpad because you know I just wanted to put certain books offline so that I can read them on my way

I wake up to see one fucking rude ass comment I'm not going to elaborate on what it was but if you saw it you saw it if you didn't you didn't I just don't care about it anymore but I'm just going to say this once I have already said this at the beginning of my book on my Arthur's note

If you do not like my book you can fucking leave I do not need your bullshiting attitude in my fucking comment section you can clearly leave if you do not like it no one's going to stop you no one's going to miss you but for Peep's sake shut up because literally fucking rude i said it before I'm open to criticism I'm open to any suggestions anything but if you're going to be fucking straight up rude I'm telling you now I'm going to delete your comment and I'm going to ignore you and block you

And if you're going to give me the excuse that it was meant as a small joke or that that's just your sense of humor no it's not your sense of humor you're just straight up rude this is going to be my one and only warning to certain people

And to others whom have been respectful but still you know criticizing me and like giving me suggestions I appreciate you and thank you

But this is my final warning for those who are straight up Rude I'm not going to tolerate you and your nasty attitude so I suggest you drop your little attitude with me

And if you think I'm talking about you maybe I am maybe I'm not I will never say who it was or will I specify on the comment but I'm just saying this is my warning and those who have still been reading and have been respectful to me thank you and keep doing what you're doing just be you

I decided to take this two month break to improve my writing and to change chapters and not only that to write more chapters I do not need to be coming back or about to leave break with a negative comment like yours

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