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Growing up in a broken home only to feel captive by the choices others have made for me. Thinking what was be best for me. Only to do what was best for them. It only got me hurt in the end. There are very few people who wanted to see me succeed and live a good life.

I based my choices off my past trauma. Everyone thought I was using a "poor me" card. When in reality they have been so blinded. I've only wanted to heal from my past but no one wanted to help me. Feeling stuck in a hopeless situation I gave in to my stereotypical trauma. I ruined my life so others don't have too. I could never get hurt if I was hurting myself.

I avoid a conflict like the plague. I became a very good people pleaser. For which I had to put on a fake show of happiness while battling my depression. My outburst of rage and regrets would pop open like a shaken up coke bottle. Just to empty itself so I could fill it back up with emotions to start the cycle all over again.

" You build walls to stay safe and burn bridges before the even get built. Just to keep you safe. But the walls you build are glass....and the mask you wear is see-through. Everyone around you can see it. Your not keeping you safe....your keeping everyone out."- A.B.

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