Who is Mr.Forgettable

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playιng: [life I'm over you] - [Zevia]
1:35 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:47
Recap from last chapter

Two weeks later

Ethan's pov It's been two weeks without Jade and everyone is still grieving did I take my twin death hard hell yeah will I get over it hell no probably not I'm still trying to find out who killed my sister

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Ethan's pov
It's been two weeks without Jade and everyone is still grieving did I take my twin death hard hell yeah will I get over it hell no probably not I'm still trying to find out who killed my sister

Ethan is sitting in his room watching tv when he sees a silhouette near his window he thinks nothing of it and goes back to watching tv but he sees the silhouette move so he goes to look but he sees nothing is there but a letter
So he grabs the letter and opens it

Ethan is sitting in his room watching tv when he sees a silhouette near his window he thinks nothing of it and goes back to watching tv but he sees the silhouette move so he goes to look but he sees nothing is there but a letter So he grabs the le...

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Ethan looks at the note in confusion

All he could wonder is

Who is this person

What do they want

How do they know me

And how do they know where I live

Back to the story

Ethan's pov I'm sitting here still looking at the note wondering who gave this to me and why and who is Mr

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Ethan's pov
I'm sitting here still looking at the note wondering who gave this to me and why and who is Mr.Forgettable and how do they know me and where I live and why did they give me this I was still looking at the note when dd and ddot came in my room and sat on the bed

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