Why are you with my sister

291 3 11

playιng: [Born Again] - [Rihanna]
1:35 ──────ㅇ───────── 3:47
Recap from the last chapter
"Jade should go see him first cause I know she's gonna want to get some stuff off of her chest" Ethan said to his family as everyone agreed

Jade goes to David's room to see him sleeping peacefully

She walks in and sits in the chair next to him

"I don't know if you can hear me but if you can I'm sorry I know you said it's not my fault but all I can do is feel that it is my fault that your laying here" Jade said holding her older brothers hand

"Maybe if I would have just stayed away this wouldn't have happened" Jade said looking away from her brother

"Now why would you stay away from your family" David said weakly as he is just waking up

Jade just looks back at her brother with tears in her eyes

"Because you got hurt anyone of you could have got hurt and it was my fault cause he was looking for me" Jade said looking down

"Jade Jamani Reyes stop blaming yourself it's not your fault ok" David said to his sister

But all Jade could think was that this was her fault

Back to the story

Jade sits in a chair tied up and can't move

Jade starts to get scared and starts to thrash around in the chair

"HELP" Jade said screaming for help

"GUYS UH IM STUCK HERE" Jade said trying to get out

Out of nowhere Jade sees a figure looking at her

"Who are you" Jade said getting worried

"It's all your fault" The unknown person said

"Why do you sound like my brother" Jade said looking confused and scared

"Because" The unknown person said

The unknown person came from the dark and she sees David with blood coming out of his stomach

"D I'm sorry I didn't know" Jade said crying

Jade looks at her brother scared and in pain

She caused this and he was right it is her fault

"You could have stayed you could have did something but know you ran like a fucking coward your suppose to be my sister and you let me get shot" David said getting close to her

"You almost let notti get shot" David said pulling something from behind his back

"Ddot could have got shot" David said looking at Jade

"So now it's time to return the favor" David said pulling out his gun

Jade gets scared again and tries to untie herself but nothing worked

As soon as the gunshot went off she woke up
Dream over

Jade wakes up in her room at her house

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