Chapter 2

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*15 years later*

 Judy and (y/n) had made it into the police academy. Unfortunately , they weren't doing very well. They had several tests to pass. To name a few, Tundra Town, Sahara Square, and the Rain Forest District. First, they had to survive a scorching sandstorm. Judy and (y/n) groaned and struggled to hold on, but they were blown away and covered in sand.

  "Your dead, Foxy and Bunny Bumpkin!" the polar bear coach declared. 

 Next, the friends had to try not to fall in the mud while doing what looked kinda like monkey bars in a small version of a part of the Rain Forest District. Judy and (y/n) tried to hold on, but they fell. (Y/N) yelped as she fell back first into the mud while Judy fell face first. 

 "Your dead Fluff Butt and Carrot Face!" the coach said loudly. 

 Next, they had to get past a giant ice wall. (Y/N) and Judy ran and leaped, trying to climb the wall of ice. But they couldn't hold on and fell into the freezing water below. 

 "Your dead Farm Girls!"

 Next, the two had to fight an enormous criminal. First, it was Judy. Judy was immediately thrown to the side. 

 "Your dead!" the polar bear coach said, standing at Judy's side. (y/n) was nervous, her eyes wide as she faced the hippo in the ring. The hippo swung, (y/n) dodged and ran the other way. She tried to hit him, but he swung her to the side. 

 "Ugh..." she groaned. 

 "Your dead!"

 The girls went through many tests but were unable to pass any of them. They didn't know what to do. The words they'd heard people tell them all their lives rang in their ears. 

 "Just quit and go home, Fox Girl, Fuzzy Bunny!" the polar bear had said to them. 

 "There's never been a bunny cop." "Never." "Never." Judy's parents said. 

 "There has never been a fox cop." "People wouldn't trust one anyway. We are crafty, cunning, and sly. It's who we are." (y/n)'s parents told her. 

 "Just a stupid carrot farming dumb bunny!" Gideon Gray declared. 

 But, the girls were determined to succeed. (Y/N) wanted to see Judy succeed, so she helped her as much as she could. While Judy did push ups, (y/n) was quizzing her from a book of things they'd need to know. Judy leaped up onto a rhino in the ice wall platform. She leaped from animal to animal and successfully got over the wall. (y/n) on the other hand, fell into the water again. Though she had failed that test, she smiled. Judy had passed. And that made her happy. Next, the girls were facing the enormous criminal test again. (y/n) again, was punched back into the side. But Judy, dodged the hippo's hit. She hopped onto the wall, flying into the hippo's fist, causing his fist to hit him. The hippo fell onto the mat. Judy had again passed the test.

 Judy had finally graduated. She had graduated at the top of her class as well! The crowd cheered. Her dad cried as he clapped, her mom looking over at him. (y/n) jumped up and down excitedly from where she stood in the crowd. She had sadly flunked out of the academy, so she wasn't going to be Judy's partner. She felt sad. Like, she failed. She wanted to make a difference in the world like Judy. But how would she do that? Maybe her parents were right...She watched as Assistant Mayor Bellwether pinned Judy's badge on her. She gave a sad smile as she watched the mayor taking pictures with her friend. She had tried hard but failed. She wished she could be up there with her. But, though she was sad, she was happy for Judy and proud of her. She was the ZPD's first rabbit officer. And (y/n) knew that Judy would be an amazing cop and do great things. 

 Judy had been assigned to the city's heart. Zootopia. (Y/N) decided to go with Judy to Zootopia. The girls were excited to be roommates. Judy was excited to start her first day of work. It was finally the day the girls were leaving Bunnyburrow. While Judy said goodbye to her parents, (y/n) was saying goodbye to her family. "I'll visit, I promise!" she told her parents. 

 "Well, make it soon. We'll miss you, pumpkin." her dad replied with a smile. 

 (y/n) smiled and hugged him. 

 Her brother stood beside her mom, his arms crossed, an angry look on his face. 

 "Have a safe trip, honey." her mother said, hugging her daughter. 

 "We will, mom. Love you guys! Bye, Gideon!" Gideon just scoffed and rolled his eyes but didn't say anything. 

 "We love you too, pumpkin." her dad waved at her as she went to go see if Judy was ready to go. 

 "Why didn't you say anything to your sister? Even just a goodbye or a wave would have been nice. Even a smile, Gideon." (y/n)'s mom turned to her son. Gideon just shook his head and walked away. He and his sister had drifted apart ever since that day years ago when she saw him bullying her friends. He always felt kinda guilty, but never did anything about it. One thing Gideon Gray wanted most, however, was his sister back. 

 Judy was saying goodbye to her parents. Her dad was listing predators that ate bunnies. He had ended the list, at foxes. 

 "Your dad does have a point there. It's in their biology. Remember what happened with Gideon Gray?" her mom pointed out. 

 "Yea, when I was nine. Also, your forgetting my best friend is a fox. Gideon Gray's sister. Gideon was a jerk who happened to be a fox. I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks." Judy stated. 

 Her dad nodded, seeming to understand, and held up a care package he had made for her. "This is fox deterrent," he told her, holding up a pink bottle. 

 "Yea, that's safe to have." her mom agreed. 

 "And this is fox repellant." 

 "Ok, the deterrent and the repellant, that's all she needs." 

 "Oh, check this out." her dad held up a pink box and pressed a button, making blue sparks come out. 

 "Oh my goodness! She has no need for a fox taser, Stu." 

 "Ok, when is there not a need for a fox taser??" Stu argued. 

 "Ok, ok, you know what?" Judy reached in the bag and took the fox repellant. "I will take this so you stop talking, ok?" 

 "Terrific! Now everybody wins!" her dad said enthusiastically. 

 At that moment, the whistle blew, letting her know that it was time to board the train. At that moment, (y/n) walked up with a smile. "Ready to go?" (y/n) asked. 

 "Yep!" Judy nodded with a smile before turning to her mom and dad. "Gotta go, guys! Bye! Love you!" With that, the two girls boarded the train bound for Zootopia.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 03, 2023 ⏰

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